HELP......Percussion instruments are musical instruments that make noise when they are hit with an object. Which of these are percussion instruments? Check all that apply.a clarinet, which makes sound when air is blown into a woodwind mouthpiece

a drum, which makes sound when a mallet hits its surface

a cymbal, which makes sound when it is crashed against another cymbal

a trumpet, which makes sound when air is blown into a brass mouthpiece

a violin, which makes sound when a bow slides across strings


Answer 1

The percussion instruments are a drum, which makes sound when a mallet hits its surface and a cymbal, which makes sound when it is crashed against another cymbal.

What are percussion instruments?

Percussion instruments generate sound when struck by an object. Among the options provided, the drum and the cymbal are indeed percussion instruments. A drum produces sound when a mallet or stick hits its surface, causing vibrations that create the characteristic drumming sound. Similarly, a cymbal produces sound when it is crashed against another cymbal or struck with a mallet.

So, the percussion instruments that fit the description of making sound when struck are the drum and the cymbal. These instruments belong to the percussion family, which is characterized by its reliance on impact to produce musical tones.

Read more about percussion here:


Answer 2


I believe that the percussion instruments are the drum and cymbal.

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Two types of conditioning.
1) Classical conditioning
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Final answer:

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Conditioning is the process of learning associations between events that occur in an organism's environment. This can be further divided into two main types: Classical (or Pavlovian) conditioning and Operant (or Instrumental) conditioning. Classical conditioning involves learning associations between two stimuli that co-occur, while Operant conditioning is learning associations between a behavior and its consequences.

For example, if a student studies hard (behavior) and then gets good grades (consequence), this could reinforce the student's study habits through operant conditioning. The more this association is reinforced, the stronger the learning becomes. So, the correct answer to the question is c. learning associations.

Learn more about Conditioning here:


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