well both were dictators (that is for sure) but both of them had different mindsets of how they were going to lead the people of Cuba.
Castro, while no saint, had a love of his people and his country at heart while Batista had contempt for the citizens of Cuba, whose only purpose was to make him rich and the wealthy of Cuba wealthier.
Castro stood up against the bullying of the United States, which is in itself an accomplishment, which is why the U.S. hated him. Rest in peace, Castro.
In thinking about Cuba and the U.S.’s support of its dictator, Fulgencio Batista, I am reminded that Cuba was a brothel to the world; gambling was controlled by the U.S. mafia, banks were controlled and owned by U.S. banks.
Under Castro, Cuba became almost more literate and took its literacy campaign to many countries, as well as sending its doctors to assist them. Infant mortality in Cuba dropped. Hopefully The Bee will present an appraisal that reflects on these and so many other issues.
b Montesquieu.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This landmark is where the U.S. Constitution is interpreted and disagreements about it settled. Which of the following is the correct name and location of this landmark?
U.S. Capitol Building in Philadelphia, PA
U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.
Independence Hall in Washington, D.C.
U.S. Capitol Building and Philadelphia
Supreme Court Building and Philadelphia
U.S. Capitol Building and Washington, D.C.
The place that is considered of birth of the American republic is the Independence Hall, located in Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania.