Three small objects are arranged along a uniform rod of mass m and length L. one of mass m at the left end, one of mass m at thecenter, and one of mass 2m at the right end. How far to the left or right of the rod's center should you place a support so that the rod
with the attached objects will balance there?


Answer 1


See answer below


Hi there,

To get started, recall the Center of Mass formula for two masses:

x_c_m = (m_1x_1+m_2x_2)/(m_1+m_2)  where m is mass and x is displacement from the center of the shape.

Since masses at the center of a geometric shape have a displacement (x) value of 0, as the mass is already of the center, and does not affect Xcm. So, we can disregard the central mass, hence we use the above formula for two masses.

We can arbitrarily define left to be a negative (-) displacement, and vice versa for right direction. We proceed with the formula:x_c_m=((-L/2)m+(L/2)2m)/(m+2m) =((L/2)(-m+2m))/(3m) \n x_c_m=(L(m))/(6m) =(L)/(6)

Since we defined left (-) and right (+), we notice the center of mass is (+) value. This makes sense, as there is slightly more mass on the right side. Hence, you should place a support 1/6 of the rod's length away from the rod's center.

Study well and persevere.


Answer 2

Final answer:

To balance the rod with the attached objects, place a support at a distance of L/3 from the left end of the rod.


To balance the rod with the attached objects, you need to place a support at a distance of L/3 from the left end of the rod. This is because the center of gravity of the system should be directly above the support.

The center of gravity is given by the equation xcg = (m*0 + m*L/2 + 2m*L)/ (m + m + 2m). Solving this equation, we get xcg = 2L/3. Therefore, the support should be placed at a distance of L/3 from the left end of the rod.

Learn more about Balancing a rod with objects here:


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The volume rate of flow = a x v where a is cross sectional area of pipe and v is velocity of flow

putting the values

π x .2945² x 12.1

= 3.3  m³ /s

To know the pipe's diameter at the refinery we shall apply the following formula

a₁ v₁ = a₂ v₂

a₁ v₁ and  a₂ v₂ are volume rate of flow of liquid which will be constant .

3.3 = a₂ x 6.29

a₂ = .5246 m³

π x r² = .5246

r = .4087 m

= 40.87 cm


= 81.74 cm

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fromthe cliff. Determine how fast the vehicle was pushed off



v = a/√(2h/g) m/s


Lets say the distance away from the cliff is a.

then, a = v t

where v is velocity with which it was thrown and t is time taken to fall.

Using equations of motion, we can also say that


where h is the height of the cliff

Thus, t^2 = 2h/g and t = √(2h/g)

Thus, v = a/√(2h/g).

the vehicle was pushed off  the cliff with the velocity , v = a/√(2h/g). m/s

The interatomic spring stiffness for tungsten is determined from Young's modulus measurements to be 90 N/m. The mass of one mole of tungsten is 0.185 kg. If we model a block of tungsten as a collection of atomic "oscillators" (masses on springs), what is one quantum of energy for one of these atomic oscillators? Note that since each oscillator is attached to two "springs", and each "spring" is half the length of the interatomic bond, the effective interatomic spring stiffness for one of these oscillators is 4 times the calculated value given above. Use these precise values for the constants: ℏ = 1.0546 10-34 J · s (Planck's constant divided by 2π) Avogadro's number = 6.0221 1023 molecules/mole kB = 1.3807 10-23 J/K (the Boltzmann constant)




solution below

Final answer:

The quantum of energy for one atomic oscillator in tungsten, given the effective interatomic spring stiffness of 360 N/m, the mass of one tungsten atom as 3.074 x 10^-25 kg, and the reduced Planck's constant of 1.0546 x 10^-34 J · s, can be calculated to be approximately 1.33 x 10^-21 J.


To calculate the quantum of energy for one atomic oscillator in tungsten, we will consider the model of an atom being connected to two springs, both having an effective interatomic spring stiffness of four times the given value (90 N/m). This value thus becomes 360 N/m.

One mole of tungsten has a mass of 0.185 kg, thus the mass of one atom can be determined by dividing this value by Avogadro's number (6.0221 x 10^23 molecules/mole), which gives approximately 3.074 x 10^-25 kg.

The quantum of energy, or the energy of one quantum (the smallest possible energy increment), is given by the formula E = ħω, where ħ is the reduced Planck's constant (1.0546 x 10^-34 J · s) and ω is the angular frequency, given by sqrt(k/m), where k is the spring constant and m is the mass.

Substituting the known values into these equations gives ω= sqrt((360)/(3.074 x 10^-25)) and E= (1.0546 x 10^-34) x sqrt((360)/(3.074 x 10^-25)), which results in a quantum of energy of approximately 1.33 x 10^-21 J.

Learn more about Quantum Energy here:


The cart is initially at rest. ForceF is applied to the cart for time ? t, after which the car has speed v. Suppose the same force is applied for the same time to a second cart with twice the mass. Friction is negligible. Afterward, the second cart's speed will be
a) 2v
b) 1/2v
c) v
d) 4v
e) 1/4v





Given that,

Initial speed of the cart, u = 0

Let F force is applied to the cart for time \Delta t after which the car has speed v. The force on an object is given by :

F = ma

m is the mass of the cart

We need to find the speed of second cart, if the same force is applied for the same time to a second cart with twice the mass. Force becomes,


v'=(F t)/(2m)


So, the speed of second cart is half of the initial speed of first cart. So, the correct option is (b).

Proposed Exercise - Circular MovementConsider four pulleys connected by correals as illustrated in the figure below. One motor moves the A pulley with angular acceleration A= 20 rad/s^2/. If pulley A is initially moving with angular acceleration A= 40 rad/s^2, determine the angular speed of pulleys B and C after three seconds. Consider that the belts do not slide



ωB = 300 rad/s

ωC = 600 rad/s


The linear velocity of the belt is the same at pulley A as it is at pulley D.

vA = vD

ωA rA = ωD rD

ωD = (rA / rD) ωA

Pulley B has the same angular velocity as pulley D.

ωB = ωD

The linear velocity of the belt is the same at pulley B as it is at pulley C.

vB = vC

ωB rB = ωC rC

ωC = (rB / rC) ωB


ω₀A = 40 rad/s

αA = 20 rad/s²

t = 3 s

Find: ωA

ω = αt + ω₀

ωA = (20 rad/s²) (3 s) + 40 rad/s

ωA = 100 rad/s

ωD = (rA / rD) ωA = (75 mm / 25 mm) (100 rad/s) = 300 rad/s

ωB = ωD = 300 rad/s

ωC = (rB / rC) ωB = (100 mm / 50 mm) (300 rad/s) = 600 rad/s