It’s C
If it's money you want
You're out of luck.
The poem "Madam and the Rent Man", Langston Hughes talks about the living conditions of a woman in a dilapidated house. The unsatisfactory condition of the house led to the the frequent argument between the rent man and the woman whenever he come to get the rent.
Arguing with the man, the woman complained about the un-kept promises that the agent have seemingly forgotten. The woman then lists the issues that she founds regarding the house, "sink is broke, The water don't run... Back window's cracked, Kitchen floor squeaks, There's rats in the cellar, And the attic leaks". She is determined not to pay the rent as long as the issues of the house are unresolved.
Thus, the lines that demonstrates her determination the line that says that the rent man is out of luck if he's after money.
Page 2
What can employees do if they are required to work
during a lunch break?
How could this document be used to help employees
who are currently breastfeeding their children?
Lunch Policy of Solar Energy Inc.
At Solar Energy Inc., we believe that brain breaks
are critical for high performance. Our cafeteria
provides nutritious meals, our gym is available
for exercise, and our lounge is a comfortable
place to relax and recharge. Below, please find
the specifics of our lunch break policy.
Allotted Time
The US Department of Labor requires meal
periods of 30 minutes or more. We adhere to
California law, which states that employers must
provide a lunch break of 30 minutes after five
hours of work. Employees at Solar Energy Inc.
receive a lunch break following four to five hours
The purpose of the document is to inform the employees of policies about lunch.
Policies are principles or actions adopted or proposed by an organization to serve as a guide.
According to the policy, employees are required to take their lunch later if they are working during a break time.
The policy document can help breastfeeding employees by locating information on facilities and gain them extra time.
Read more about document here:
late but for future ref:
purpose of the document:
inform employees of lunch policies
What can employees do if they are required to work during a lunch break?
take lunch after
How could this document be used to help employees who are currently breastfeeding their children?
helping them locate info on facilities and extra time
В вопросе не сказано, что именно нужно: краткий ответ, эссе, сочинение или еще что-либо, поэтому ловите ответ на том языке, на котором задан вопрос:
У світі магії, мабуть, жити легко тільки за умови, що ти талановитий чаклун. Якщо ти не маєш магічних здібностей, тоді тобі буде складно.
Якщо вам потрібен твір на цю тему, ви можете взяти ці два речення за основу твору, а далі все залежить від вашої фантазії.
Пламенный привет модерам, которые модерируют вопросы и ответы, не имея понятия, о чем идет речь.