What were Francisco Pizarro's accomplishments?


Answer 1


Conquered the Inca people and stole their wealth, Founded Lima, Peru claimed parts of Peru for the Spanish Empire


hope this helps

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It is definitely vetoing bills passed by Congress. I learned this last week.

The _______ stated that if war should break out between Germany and the U.S, Mexico would be urged to side with Germany and to attack the U.S.a. Hindenburg Note
b. Zimmerman Note
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B however, before it could come to fruition, british intelligence intercepted the telegram and decyphered it
The answer is b) the Zimmerman note- a note to Mexico saying that if the u.s. Declares war on Germany then Mexico should declare war on the u.s.

What does Long want to do with people who own more than $50 million in wealth?


Huey Long, a former governor of Louisiana and U.S. Senator in the 1930s, proposed a policy known as the "Share Our Wealth" program.

Under this program, Long advocated for the redistribution of wealth in the United States, with the goal of providing a more equal distribution of resources and opportunities for all Americans.

What informs this policy?

As part of his "Share Our Wealth" program, Long proposed a progressive tax system that would heavily tax the wealthiest Americans, including those who owned more than $50 million in wealth. Long argued that this would help to reduce economic inequality and provide resources for social programs such as education, healthcare, and public infrastructure.

In addition to the tax system, Long also proposed a number of other measures, such as a guaranteed minimum income for all Americans and increased government investment in public works projects to create jobs and stimulate economic growth.

While Long's proposals were controversial and faced opposition from many wealthy Americans and political opponents, they resonated with many Americans who were struggling during the Great Depression and who saw Long as a champion of their economic interests.

learn more about Huey Long: brainly.com/question/7038062


How did trade encourage he development of the renaissance


At the end of the Middle Ages, mainly during the15th century, merchants, artisans, and bankers from the North of Italy became very wealthy thanks to the connection to the Eastern trade routes that they had access to after the Crusades. They took advantage of their strategical position to exchange mainly spices, silk, gold, and other goods from the Middle East, India, and China and sell them to the rest of Europe. All this wealth granted them independence from feudal lords and from the Church and gave them a great economic and political power. They used this independence and power to satisfy their curiosity and their taste for fine arts.

Therefore, many families of bankers and merchants, like the Medici of Florence, became patrons of artists and scientists, who developed a totally new current of art and a new philosophical perspective. Architects like Brunelleschi, painters and sculptors like Michelangelo, and scientists and engineers like Leonardo Da Vinci, were inspired by the ancient Greek and Roman splendor in philosophy and arts in order to create a new artistic and humanistic movement: the Renaissance.

At the same time, the Renaissance was boosted by the marvels they got from the trade with Eastern markets: Arab astrolabes that allowed them to improve the navigation of the seas; gunpowder from China that permitted them to create new weapons; Persian medicine treaties; and inks to paint fine clothes, among other stuff. The Renaissance was the last period of the Middle Ages and the first stage of the modern era.

The best explanation for how humans populated the Earth is


The "out of Africa" theory, proposed by Charles Darwin, is the best explanation for how humans populated the Earth. They used to be very migratory and before they eventually settled down, had spread out all over the world. They originiated in Africa, crossing over a land bridge in Beringia to get to the Americas. This can be proven by tracing differences in genes such as MC1R.

1. Which of the following best describes the effect of decisions made by the Marshall Supreme Court? A. The Court favored farmers in cases put before it. B. The Court encouraged the growth of businesses by freeing them from meddling state laws. C. The Court ruled that treaties with foreign governments were unconstitutional. D. The Court gave more power to the states to regulate business.


The answer is B. The Court encouraged the growth of businesses by freeing them from meddling state laws. He defended business by connecting them with the stockholders’ rights and protected the corporations the same way it protected individuals from government interference.