In "Two kinds," how do June's feelings about hermother change from the beginning to the end of the
story? How do the interactions between June and
her mother illustrate this change? Use evidence from
the text to support your response. Be sure to explain
how each piece of evidence supports your analysis.


Answer 1

The title of the story "Two Kind"refers to Jing Mei's mother's statement that mentions that there  are two kinds of daughters in the world--Firstly those who obey their parents , and secondly those who rebel against them .  In case of  Jing Mei, she  see a little bit of both the kinds in herself and evaluate what her mother is trying to say


In the story Two Kind t he mother and daughter relationship is in the state of a  conflict because the mother wants her daughter to succeed and the daughter does not want her mother to pressurize her.

The conflict between the mother and the daughter is solved when the mother gifts her daughter a Piano as a symbol of forgiveness

In the story the character of the Mom is that a woman who was raised in  China and like Chinese mother she  expects her daughter to be obedient, but the mother  as an American immigrant also believes in the American dream of success and fame and wants her daughter to fulfill those dreams for her

The title of the story "Two Kind"refers to Jing Mei's mother's statement that mentions that there  are two kinds of daughters in the world--Firstly those who obey their parents , and secondly those who rebel against them .  In case of  Jing Mei, she  see a little bit of both the kinds in herself and evaluate what her mother is trying to say

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Can someone help me on this please?

1. In “The Censors,” Juan chooses to apply for a job as a government censor for all of the following reasons except what?A. He fears for Mariana’s safety in her new home.
B. He plans to intercept and approve his own letter.
C. He is proud of his ability to “read between the lines.”
D. He wants to damage the government’s ability to control the people.
2. In “the Censors,” it is ironic that the Censorship Division doesn't bother to check Juan’s ________ before hiring him.
A. Mail
B. References
C. Health
D. Pockets


The answers are c and b

Final answer:

Juan's application for the censor job was not intended to damage the government's control. His primary motivations were fear for Mariana's safety and the desire to intercept his own letter. Interestingly, despite being part of the strict government, the Censorship Division did not check Juan's references before hiring.


In the story The Censors, Juan applies for a job as a government censor for several reasons, but damaging the government's ability to control people is not one of them. His main motivations are fear for Mariana's safety and the desire to intercept and approve his own letter. As for his predatory skills to "read between the lines," this is a skill he acquires during his work as a censor, not a reason for applying. The irony in the Censorship Division's hiring process lies in their failure to check Juan's references before bringing him on board. This oversight reveals an interesting gap in an otherwise oppressive and controlling system of governance.

Learn more about The Censors here:


How do images or word pictures help you experience a scene in the excerpt "The Day of Destiny"?


The images or word pictures used in the excerpt of “The Day of Destiny” is indeed  helpful in really experiencing the scene and understanding the text. These pictures and images can improve the meaning of the text and even provide a more colorful and a deeper one. These images also support reading and comprehension easily and quickly. It may also help to develop the writing potential of the reader and is used effectively for visual and kinesthetic learners.

The images or word pictures in the excerpt of "The Day of Destiny" helped me to express/show the scenes or situations it helps us to make meaningful and clear description.

Further Explanation:

The images or word pictures used in the excerpt of “The Day of Destiny” is useful to show the reality and build the scenario of that scene. Images help us to quickly understand the scenario. Pictures or images help to provide the text more meaningful and realistic. It also helps to improve the writing potential of reader. Writers paint word pictures or images that intrigue to our faculties of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch  and in exposition piece.

1. Why do we use images?

A large level of the human brain devotes itself to visual handling. Our affection for pictures lies with our discernment and capacity to focus. Pictures can capture our attention easily, Bright colors capture our consideration in light of the fact that our minds are wired to respond to them.

2. Sight:

Keep in mind, what your character sees is the thing that your reader sees, and in the event that you neglect to depict without question, your reader won't completely appreciate the scene. However, there is such thing as a lot of depiction.

3. Sound:

Whether it’s characters or background noise, remember to add a sense of sound to the narrative to help your reader feel the scene. This could be the chirping of birds in the morning or the fog horn of the ships at the harbor.

4. Smell:

By adding the feeling of smell to your composition, you make an unobtrusive feeling of environment and add another layer to your description sections for your reader to appreciate. This is a frequently neglected sense, yet it can give foundation shading to your story.

5. Taste:  

This is perhaps the most neglected sense in writing. Eating can be a shared, sensual pastime. Arouse your reader’s taste buds. Was the apple pie warm and delicious and make the character remember the pies their grandmother made or was it barely edible and tasted of cardboard?

6. Touch:

You can describe the feel of material of a character's dress, the feel of a child's skin, the roughness of the ropes binding your character's wrists thus considerably more to add to your depiction.

Subject: English

Level: High school

Keyword: Why do we use images, Touch, Taste, Sound, Smell, Sight

Related links:

Select each helping verb in the sentence.The students were talking about how to help animals. Cally is an artist, and she was sketching.


The HELPING VERB in the first sentence is “were” and in the second one is “was”. These verbs are also commonly known as auxiliary verbs as they are used in combination with the main verb to to show the tense of the sentence.

To contain costs, Medicare replaced the old payment system with a _______, which sets a price for every service based on expected costs. a. preferred provider organization b. managed care system c. point of service plan d. prospective payment system


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: " d. prospective payment system." To contain costs, Medicare replaced the old payment system with a  prospective payment system, which sets a price for every service based on expected costs.

Answer: D. Prospective payment system

Explanation: I got it right on the PF exam

Ron is writing an analytical essay on the play Romeo and Juliet. Why would he most likely benefit from seeing a live performance?


The choices for this one are:

A) because he can write a review for the daily paper
B) because seeing a play is an enriching experience
C) because the visual elements of a play help communicate the theme and mood
D) because it is easier to comprehend the plot while watching a play

While seeing a play does enrich one's experience, it will specifically benefit Ron who is writing an analytical essay in such a way that it gives more life because of the visual elements present. These elements will then more accurately show the mood and theme of the play, encapsulating Ron in an immersive experience.

ANSWER: C) because the visual elements of a play help communicate the theme and mood
The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "C) because the visual elements of a play help communicate the theme and mood." Ron is writing an analytical essay on the play Romeo and Juliet.

Here are the following choices:
A) because he can write a review for the daily paper
B) because seeing a play is an enriching experience
C) because the visual elements of a play help communicate the theme and mood
D) because it is easier to comprehend the plot while watching a play

Metacognition refers to


Metacognition is defined as"thinking about thinking” or can be “knowing about knowing”.  It higher pertains to high order thinkingallowing control and engagement in cognitive tasks and learning. It consents peopleto activities like organization, approaching a task, observing understandingand evaluation of progress on tasks. Some of this includes declarativeknowledge – the ability to know one's abilities, procedural knowledge conditionalknowledge by the usage of approaches in acquiring info.

Final answer:

Metacognition refers to the ability to think about and regulate one's own thinking processes. It involves being aware of one's own thoughts, knowledge, and understanding, and monitoring and controlling one's cognitive processes to enhance learning and problem-solving.


Metacognition refers to the ability to think about and regulate one's own thinking processes. It involves being aware of one's own thoughts, knowledge, and understanding, and monitoring and controlling one's cognitive processes to enhance learning and problem-solving.

For example, a student using metacognition might ask themselves questions like 'Do I understand this concept?' or 'Am I studying effectively?'. By reflecting on their own thinking, students can identify areas where they might need to seek additional help or adjust their study strategies.

Metacognitive strategies can be useful across all subjects and grade levels as they help improve learning and critical thinking skills. By using metacognition, students can become more independent learners and better at evaluating their own progress and understanding.

Learn more about Metacognition here: