What are four steps in the ems system??


Answer 1
Answer: Emergency medical services 
Step 1: Recognize that an emergency exists
Step 2: Decide to act
Step 3: Activate the EMS system
Step 4: Give care until help takes over
Answer 2


Emergency medical services  

Step 1: Recognize that an emergency exists

Step 2: Decide to act

Step 3: Activate the EMS system

Step 4: Give care until help takes over

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It is important because the family could be brought together, and spend time with each other, so they can feel better about themselves. Also, they can all know more about each other, and things like what they are good at.

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Token economy


Token economy is a use of positive encouragement to establish a positive change in a specific behavior of a target group of people.

Token economy are used by teachers in a classroom to build up and maintain the right behaviour and standard in a classroom. It is a way to reward students for excellent performances and good behaviors.

Examples of Tokens that can be used are gold stars, stickers which can placed on the student's desk or given to the student directly.

When an individual stops working out, muscles slowly __________.a. strengthen
b. turn into fat
c. lose strength
d. stretch out


When an individual stops working out, muscles slowly lose strength. Correct answer: C

If an individual takes a long enough break from lifting weights, he/she will lose muscle and strength. The gains in muscle size, strength, and endurance will taper off. However, if he/she start to work out again he will regain the muscles faster than he gain them in the first place.

when an individual stops working out the muscles eventually lose strength

Do many schools have a dietician on staff?



the answere is false

Final answer:

Many schools have a dietician on staff to promote healthy eating habits among students.


The answer to the question is TRUE. Many schools have a dietician on staff to help promote healthy eating habits among students. Dieticians play a crucial role in educating students about proper nutrition, planning school meal programs, and addressing specific dietary needs and concerns.

Learn more about dietician on staff here:



True or False: Medicine and traditional public health provided prevention and improved survivorship in the 1918 pandemic a. True b. False



During the 1918 influenza pandemic, medicine and traditional public health measures had limited success in preventing the spread of the virus or significantly improving survivorship. The 1918 pandemic was caused by the H1N1 influenza virus, and at that time, there were no vaccines or effective antiviral medications available to prevent or treat the illness.

Traditional public health measures, such as isolation and quarantine, were implemented in various places, but they often had limited impact due to the rapid and highly contagious nature of the virus. The pandemic eventually subsided as those who were infected either developed immunity or succumbed to the virus.

It wasn't until decades later, with advancements in medical research and the development of vaccines and antiviral medications, that we gained better tools for preventing and treating influenza and other infectious diseases.

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Doing the exercise more often