Answer: Yo me pinto unos arboles coloridos. (Presente)
Yo juego ajedrez con mi hermano pero el siempre gana. (Presente)
Yo practico deportes en el patio de mi casa. (Presente)
Yo acompañé a mi abuela al oculista. (Pretérito)
Yo comí con mi familia en un asombro restaurante. (Pretérito)
Yo jugué videojuegos con mi primo toda la noche. (Pretérito)
El compraba muchas golosinas en la tienda del centro comercio.(imperfecto)
Nosotros hablábamos con mucha frecuencia. (imperfecto)
Los niños jugaban por las tardes. (imperfecto)
Cuenta hasta cien. (modo imperativo)
Corre hacia allí y vuelve. (Modo imperativo)
Baja el volumen. (Modo imperativo)
I speak Spanish fluently you should not have any errors ;)
1/2 huevo cada día.
2 gallinas / 2 huevos
= 1 gallina / 1 huevo
Entonces tenemos que:
1 gallina pone un huevo cada 2 días
1(gallina/huevo) / 2 dias
= 1/2 huevo cada día
Lleva ropa modesta y cómoda. Lleva capas en el avión y en tours. Pero no traigas mucha ropa en la maleta. Solo trae la ropa que
necesitas. Lleva zapatos cómodos. No lleves chancletas o sandalias cuando viajes. Solo llévalas en la playa. Si llevas mochila, no pongas
el dinero ni los documentos importantes. Pon tu dinero en el bolsillo adelante y no detrás.
Make sure you pack a variety of clothes, so you can have an outfit for every occasion.
If you are flying on a plane to a warm climate, just pack shorts and flip flops since it will be hot there.
Pack lightly and just what you need but be sure to include a light jacket for the plane and comfortable shoes.
Be sure to bring all your important documents with you in your backpack. Don't leave them in the hotel.
"Make sure you pack a variety of clothes, so you can have an outfit for every occasion". This sentence says exactly the opposite to what the reading is advicing. According to the readin, we should pack light.
"If you are flying on a plane to a warm climate, just pack shorts and flip flops since it will be hot there". The reading doesn't mention anything about weather and climate.
" Be sure to bring all your important documents with you in your backpack. Don't leave them in the Hotel". The reading advices NOT to put money or important document in your backpack, given that pickpockets could be around!
According to the reading the best advise is: " Pack lighly and just what you need but be sure to include a light jacket for the plane and comfortable shoes".