Which event best replaces the question mark in this sequence? Russia 1917-1918
• Czar Nicholas II abdicated Russian Imperial throne
• ?
• Bolsheviks seized power and became the Communist Party
• Russia signed a peace treaty with the Central Powers
A. Vladimir Lenin returned to lead the Russian Revolution
B. Leon Trotsky escaped Russia for exile in Mexico
C. The Russian government adopted the New Economic Policy
D. The Red Army won the Russian Civil War


Answer 1

The event which best replaces the sequence was Vladimir Lenin's return to lead the Russian Revolution. Thus, option 'A' is the correct option.

What is the Russian revolution?

The First World War marked the beginning of the Russian Revolution, a period of political and social upheaval in the former Russian Empire. Following two subsequent revolutions and a terrible civil war during this time, Russia abolished its monarchy and transitioned to a socialist system of governance. Other European revolutions that took place during or after World War I, such as the German Revolution of 1918, might be considered as having their roots in the Russian Revolution.

The February Revolution in 1917 served as the catalyst for the Russian Revolution. This initial uprising was centered in and around the then-capital Petrograd (now Saint Petersburg). The Russian Army had started to mutiny following significant military defeats throughout the conflict.

Learn more about the Russian revolution, here:



Answer 2


A. Vladimir Lenin returned to lead the Russian Revolution


A. Vladimir Lenin returns shortly after Czar Nicholas abdicates in February

B. Leon Trotsky escaping to Mexico doesn't happen for a while until Lenin dies. Trotsky escapes since he knows Stalin will kill him for being a political opponent

C. The New Economic Policy happens in 1921, way after 1918

D. The Red Army wins the civil war in 1919

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Correct Answer choice is :

C) The peasants were required to attend church with the lord.

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