Top-down design allows a programmer to take a complex idea, break it down into high-level tasks which can be further broken down into more detailed sub-tasks (Evans, Martin, & Poatsy, 2018). The larger a program gets, the more important it is to have a clear design. It is easier to fix an error during the design phase than the coding phase. If the design is flawed, a programmer can end up having to delete or rewrite large portions of code. Reworking large portions of a design is preferable to rewriting large portions of code. Even small programs can become overwhelming with a number of tasks to perform. Hierarchy Chart (hierarchical diagram) shows the breakdown of a system to its lowest manageable parts. It is a top-down modular design tool, constructed of rectangles (that represents the different modules in a system) and lines that connect them. The lines explain the connection and/or ownership between the different modules among the system just like in an organizational chart. main purpose is to describe the structure and hierarchy of an entity. This entity could be a strategy, event, software program, and so on. The hierarchy chart is suitable in any situation that aims to present the organized structure of a material or an abstract entity.
The single greatest physical threat to information systems is:
Sabotage describes the efforts of internal persons to ensure that a system does not operate as intended or is destroyed. Among the threats to information systems, this is the greatest. The problem with sabotage is that the operators are internal, they know the system very well. They understand the weak points and the strengths of the system. They are internal terrorists to any information system. These internal saboteurs are capable of using any means to achieve their purpose. Therefore, it is necessary to scrutinize employees from time to time to discover internal risks.
the ejedjrjr eenekrr
sample output
Enter f0 = 440
440.0,466.1637615180899, 493.8833012561241,
523.2511306011974, 554.3652619537443
import math // math library
def RaiseToPower(): // RaiseToPower method
r = math.pow(2,1/12) //r = 2^(1/12)
f0 = float(input('Enter f0 : ')) //input from user
//a key has a frequency,sy f0
print(f0,end=' ') //Display statement
for n in range(1,5): //Iterate the loop up to the next 4 higher key Hz
n = f0 * math.pow(r,n) //calculate the fn value
print(fn,end=' ') //Display statement
RaiseToPower() //Call RaiseToPower method
1.Computer Organization is how operational parts of a computer system are linked together. Computer architecture provides functional behavior of computer system. ... Computer organization provides structural relationships between parts of computer system.
2. An ISA, or Individual Savings Account, is a savings account that you never pay any tax on. It does come with one restriction, which is the amount of money you can save or invest in an ISA in a single tax year – also known as your annual ISA allowance.
3. The principle of equivalence of hardware and software states that anything that can be done with software can also be done with hardware and vice versa. This is important in designing the architecture of a computer. There are probably uncountable choices to mix and match hardware with software.
4.Computer systems consist of three components as shown in below image: Central Processing Unit, Input devices and Output devices. Input devices provide data input to processor, which processes data and generates useful information that's displayed to the user through output devices.
5.What is the (approximate) equivalent power of 2? The prefix giga means 109 in the SI (International System of Units) of decimal system. Now convert to binary definition. So, the 1 giga =230 bytes.
The program to the given question as follows:
import java.util.*; //import package for user input.
public class Main //defining class Main
public static void main(String[] as) //defining main method
final double over_time_factor = 1.5; //define final variable
double number_Of_hours,wages,total_Wages=0; //defining variables
System.out.println("Enter hours and wages rate:"); //print message
Scanner obc = new Scanner(; //creating Scanner class object for user input
number_Of_hours = obc.nextDouble(); //taking input
wages = obc.nextDouble(); //taking input
if(number_Of_hours>40) //check condition if number_Of_hours greter then 40
total_Wages=40*wages+(number_Of_hours-40)*wages*over_time_factor; //calculate value
else //else part
total_Wages = number_Of_hours*wages; //calculate total_Wages
System.out.println("Total Wages: $"+total_Wages); //print value
Enter hours and wages rate:
Total Wages: $36.0
In the above java program, the package is first imported into the user input and then the class is defined and inside this, the main method is defined, that defines a double type final variable "over_time_factor" is defined that holds a value "1.5", Then double type variable is defined that are " number_Of_hours, wages, and total_Wages", in which first two variables are used for taking input from the user and the third variable is used to calculate their values. After taken input from the user, the conditional statement is used that can be defined as follows: