March: 275.30
January: 389.45
February: 432.89
The code to be executed is a Java code. Since the For loop used is based on Sale, when the code is complied it will print the output in the order of sale as below:
March: 275.30
January: 389.45
February: 432.89
B. multiplexer processing
C. arithmetic-logic processing
D. parallel processing
Answer: parallel processing
Parallel processing is the process by which the processor has the capacity to execute parallel instruction at the same time. This is possible only by assigning the different task to the different cores present in the cpu. So a cpu with multiple cores are able to process multiple task as the same time parallel.
Type of myDisk.brand is BrandInfo.
The output of the following code is "Hello, we are open! Sincerely, the grocery store ".
In the given code firstly we declare the variable that is numApples and numOranges. In this variable we assign value and the datatype of the variable is var. The var datatype can hold any type of data. Then we use the conditional statement. In the conditional statement, we use the OR logical operator. In the if block we check the condition that is if numApples variable value is less then 20 OR numOranges variable value is equal to numApples then it will print "Hello, we are open!". In the else block it will print "Sorry, we are closed!". In the last, we print "Sincerely, the grocery store".So in this question, if block is executed and the additional message is printed.