Informational social influence is to ________ as normative social influence is to ________.a) public compliance; private acceptance b) private acceptance; public compliance c) conversion; private acceptance d) conformity; conversion


Answer 1

Answer: B.) private acceptance; public compliance

Explanation: Informational social changes occurs in an individual after having being convinced based on fact and express conviction about the Competence and agenda of a certain group. Acceptance may or may not be expressed, This is usually necessary when faced with conditions that are vague and requires evidences and conviction.

Normative social influence on the other hand is characterized by blind following, solidarity or conformance towards the bidding of a certain group without caring about the agenda or purpose of the group. Group following under these are usually in a bid to conform and feel among other members of the group.

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When you look feel something soft on your skin you are engaging in the process of _____; when you interpret the information and realize it is a feather, you are engaging in the process of _____.


hen you look feel something soft on your skin you are engaging in the process of sensation; when you interpret the information and realize it is a feather, you are engaging in the process of perception.


Sensation is a physical feeling or perception that results from something that happens to or comes into contact with the body. The feel of something soft on the skin is known as sensation. The sensation causes me to note the feather on my skin.

Perception is the ability to become aware of something through the senses and it also helps in recognizing of things. After sensing something on the skin, I immediately started interpreting the feel and found that it is a feather on my skin.

Discuss the main causes of French revolution??​


#1 Social Inequality in France due to the Estates System.

#2 Tax Burden on the Third Estate.

#3 The Rise of the Bourgeoisie.

#4 Ideas put forward by Enlightenment philosophers.

#5 Financial Crisis caused due to Costly Wars.

#6 Drastic Weather and Poor Harvests in the preceding years.

#7 The Rise in the Cost of Bread.




hope this helps you


a) International

b) Political conflict

c) The enlightenment

d) Social antagonisms between two rising groups

e) Ineffective ruler

f) Economic hardship.


In the United States, indigenous groups lost property, political rights, aspects of their culture, and often their lives because of invasion by Euro-Americans and others. The capitalist class acquired cheap labor and land through this government-sanctioned racial exploitation. The effects of this __________ are reflected today in the number of Native Americans who live on government reservations.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to include the options for this question.

However, trying to help we can say the following.

In the United States, indigenous groups lost property, political rights, aspects of their culture, and often their lives because of invasion by Euro-Americans and others. The capitalist class acquired cheap labor and land through this government-sanctioned racial exploitation. The effects of this internal colonialism are reflected today in the number of Native Americans who live on government reservations.

Let's remember that Andrew Jackson encouraged westward expansion and settlement by supporting the Indian Removal Act.

On May 28, 1830, United States President Andrew Jackson signed the famous Indian Removal Act that supported the westward expansion and invited many Americans to settle territories in the west. These were territories west of the Mississippi, and the President could grant lands in exchange for Native American Indian tribes' lands that already existed within the known US territory.

So this act gave powers to the US President to negotiate the removal of the Native Indians to other territories. The President wanted to support white settling to farm the lands and make them productive.

By 1850, the percentage of the american labor force employed in agriculture had declined to


By 1850, the percentage of the American labor force employed in agriculture had declined to 55 percent.
As America grew more advanced, most people went to big cities to work in factories and be paid more because staying in the countryside dealing with agriculture wasn't as lucrative anymore in a rising civilization. This is why the number greatly dropped.

The unemployment rate does not include _____. people who gave up looking for jobs part of the labor force people actively looking for work


The unemployment rate does not include people who gave up looking for jobs.

People who do not have a job and feel discouraged enough to give up looking for jobs after not being able to find one are not included within the unemployment rate. Only people that are able to work and are actively searching for a job are defined as 'unemployed'. On the other hand, people that have stopped their job search are considered to be outside the labor force. They are known as 'discouraged workers' since they usually feel that they do not have the necessary qualifications to get a job or that they are too young or too old to find one.


People who gave up looking for jobs


When Congress passed the Wade-Davis bill in response to Lincoln's Reconstruction plans, the president he A. PASSED the billB. POCKET-VETOED the bill
C. REWROTE the bill


The correct answer is B)Pocket vetoed the bill.

The Wade Davis Bill was a piece of proposed legislation created by two Radical Republicans. The goal of this 1864 was to force Confederate states who left the Union to take an oath of loyalty to the United States. Lincoln agreed with this idea.

However, the reason he pocket vetoed it (didn't sign it before the end of the legislative session) was because he disagreed with how many people needed to vote on it. The Wade Davis Bill called for a majority of citizens in former Confederate States to approve the oath. Lincoln, on the other hand, was proposing that only 10% of citizens needed to agree to the oath in order to be accepted back into the Union.

When Congress passed the Wade-Davis bill in response to Lincoln's Reconstruction plans, the president he B. POCKET-VETOED the bill

Further explanation

In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln and  Congress began consider the question of the reunited Union would be if the North won the Civil War. In December, President Lincoln proposed a reconstruction program that allow Confederate states to establish new state governments after 10% of male population took loyalty oaths and the states recognized the “permanent freedom of slaves.”

Several congressional Republicans think Lincoln’s 10% Plan is too mild. A more stringent plan proposed by Senator Benjamin F. Wade and Representative Henry Winter Davis in February 1864. The Wade-Davis Bill required that 50% of a state’s white males take a loyalty oath to be readmitted to the Union. In addition, states were required to give blacks the right to vote.

Congress passed the Wade-Davis Bill, but President Lincoln choose not to sign it, by killing the bill with a pocket veto. Lincoln continued to advocate tolerance and speed the plans for the reconstruction of the Union in opposition to the Congress. After Lincoln’s assassination in April 1865,  the Congress had the upper hand in shaping Federal policy and imposed the harsher reconstruction requirements.

Learn more

  1. Learn more about Lincoln's Reconstruction plans

Answer details

Grade:  9

Subject:  social studies

Chapter:  Lincoln's Reconstruction plans

Keywords:  Lincoln's Reconstruction plans