What would you see if you looked in the pool in front of the building above?a. carved Islamic symbols from the Qur'an
b. a vision of Paradise as described in the Qur'an
c. images of religious stories
d. none of the above


Answer 1


Since there is no imagine attached, the best help i can give you is look at the picture's pool, whatever is inside the pool's reflection will be your answer.



Say if we looked at the pool's reflection and we saw mi devil religious paintings that seem to show a story, we can infer that it would be C.

However lets say you see Islamic symbols, you can infer it's A.

If you see none of the above, it's D.

If you see a tropical paradise, that was described in Qur'an, it's B.

Answer 2


it's b


just took the quiz. got 100%

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Explanation:maybe I be whack meybe A dude

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He was the moon, she was the sun. Fearing the dark is all she had ever done. Love was forsaken so they knew they would never make it. The grasps of hate had taken over her body. I reached into her soul and saw the happy child she once was. The warm breeze no longer followed her. She was cold, freezing even. She had been lost yet again, this time, she would never return.

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To engage in sports.
Jousts mean to fight on horseback with lances.
They have to do with horseback fight.
You can also search up on the internet.