Choose the purpose for writing.the story of Cinderella



Answer 1


Entertain/persuade perhaps.


the very fact that is a somber yet fun to watch disney movie says it all.

Answer 2
Answer: You can use all for example persuade u can tell others about how she was treated and use it as a persuasion to get others to not treat others that way

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Write a response to Captain Beatty reflecting on his ideas about education and his charge that "a book is a loaded gun."  Do you agree or disagree with his ideas?  Explain your own ideas about education and the value of books.


I agree with some of Captain Beatty's ideas.  For example one of which is that not every man is born free and equal however made equal under the constitution.  I believe this to be true as laws are what make us equal.  Everyone is born different, either smarter, faster or more artistic than the other. Under the law everyone is mandate to the same rights and privileges.  However, I do not believe that "each man should be the image of another; then all are happy, for there are no mountains to make them cower, to judge themselves against."  If each man is the image of another and no one is intellectual then there is no motivation.  Society cannot function and humans will almost serve no purpose. No one will thrive and no one will excel.   I believe that a book is a loaded gun because knowledge is the greatest tool or weapon you could carry.  Information attained through books and study is primitive in todays society.  Beatty believes that books dangerous, contradictory and offend to many people so they should be burned. However, offence is taken when things perhaps make you question your normal view on things.  

Beatty's explicit reason for destroying books is to maintain social order.

Early in the story, shortly after stealing a book from a woman's house that the firemen burn, Montag becomes sick with guilt, and considers calling in sick. He doesn't even realize that he's already late for work as he considers this, and Captain Beatty promptly arrives to "see for himself" how sick Montag is. He knows Montag isn't really sick, and Beatty is such a perceptive person that he knows Montag is experiencing a sort of moral crisis that, according to Beatty, every fireman goes through sooner or later. Beatty then describes the true history and purpose of the firemen.

According to Beatty, society got so overpopulated, so sensitive to insult, and so concerned with pleasure, that things which created divisions became so unwelcome as to be dangerous to social order itself. He gives the example of a bright young student in school; this student, by making others feel stupid, whether intentionally or not, caused unhappiness and discord. Beatty concludes;

You must understand that our civilization is so vast that we can't have our minorities upset and stirred. Ask yourself, What do we want in this country, above all? People want to be happy, isn't that right? Haven't you heard it all your life? I want to be happy, people say. Well, aren't they? Don't we keep them moving, don't we give them fun?

Beatty asserts that books are traitorous and divisive; what one person might see as valuable knowledge might offend another. He mentions that "the Devil can quote scripture for his purposes", and that books are ultimately incompatible with a society that prizes happiness and calm. He also suggests that censorship came "from the bottom", i.e. from the people, and is therefore a democratic act.

On a deeper level, Beatty is a well-read and philosophical person in his own right, and he believes there is a loneliness to the universe that society helps us to ignore. Beatty does not want to worry about this; he prefers the life of instant gratification and minimal thinking that social has fabricated.


a little


I actually have 2 questions ..........what does haughtily mean ?
what does induce mean ?


Induce: to succeed in persuading 

Haughty: Arrogant 

Final answer:

Haughtily refers to behaving in an arrogantly superior manner while induce means to lead or influence someone or something towards a certain action or state.


The word haughtily is an adverb that describes someone acting in an arrogantly superior or disdainful manner. For example, if someone walks into a room and dismisses others' opinions without consideration, they might be described as acting haughtily.

The term induce is a verb which means to lead, move, or influence (someone or something) towards an action or state. For example, if a certain smell induces nostalgia, it means that the smell leads to or brings about feelings of nostalgia.

Learn more about Word Meanings here:


Which words in the sentence are the adjective phrase? He created molds of individual letters that could be moved around and reused.

could be moved

He created molds

around and reused

of individual letters


The answer is B.He created Molds ,He created what? Molds so there is your answer
Hope i helped :)
the answer is C around and reused because around s the adverb and it modifies the word mold 

What is the object of the preposition in this sentence? Scrooge will walk alone from his offices.
Please explain your answer.


The correct answer should be D) offices

The preposition used in this sentence is from and it refers to offices. His can be omitted without affecting the meaning or the sentence too much meaning that the main word is offices.

The mass media, including TV, radio and newspapers, have great influence in shaping people's ideas. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? In 20 sentences


I agree that mass media helps to shape people's ideas. When people see what is happening in the world, they want to be a part of the talk and they start spreading their opinions. Thts all I got I'm sorry

I agree that mass media helped, because this way you don't have to go to that place to notice or hear about the problem, or great news!

Write a metaphor about someone who is very slow


The girl is a sloth!!!
i came across this question & i was like what type of teacher would give an assignment... Lmao