1 point
2. Monna and her son move to the countryside, where her son gets sick.
Which statement best describes the situation Monna finds herself in?
A. She is upset because in order to save her son she must take something from a man
who has already ruined himself.
B. She is upset because her son is so spoiled as to ask for a man's only valuable
C. She is excited by her son's request for Federigo's falcon because she thinks it will
revive him.
D. She does not care for Federigo and does not hesitate to ask him for his falcon to
save her son.


Answer 1
Answer: A I think that’s it hop I helped
Answer 2

Answer: The answer is A "She is upset because in order to save her son she must take something from a man who has already ruined himself".


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I want to say c. or d. but i am not completely sure, sry.
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The Poem 'In Flanders Field' portrays an image of life and alsodeath. Aswe already know this poem is about the loss in war and how poppies grew onfallen soldiers graves. The Lines ‘Flanders fields thepoppies blow/Between the crosses, row on row,' givesoff this idea. The first line shows poppies are blooming and are untouched tobe able to do so. The second line shows there are crosses, which are usuallylinked to death and graves. This means people have died. By putting these linestogether, it shows soldiers have died, which is a sense of death, and thepoppies are in full life.

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Overall an image of life and unfortunately death is shown. 

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I know what school you go to because my teacher just posted this and its the same and im in middle school i was wondering if you go to a school called sunrise hahah


I'd have to say a cloud.

The crying is rain. Solid, liquid, and gas mean that there's snow, rain, and fog.

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Maybe something scientific about how the sun is basically rising somewhere else and the moon coming up is reflecting the sun? How the sky is a certain colour or something

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The answer is D, because you don't know if the person reading this is a boy or a girl.