As per the passage, the intense man and land relationship can be shown by the interaction of man and the environment. From the 1450 to 1750 C.E towards the 20th century that lead to the interests of historians.
Learn more about the example of intensified man land use in the period 1450 C.E.
Rising human numbers have increased pressure on the land; selective agriculture or monoculture (the use of one or two favored crops) has reduced biodiversity.
In the 17th century the Dutch practised monoculture (spices) in the Indonesian colony for the benefit of the Dutch Republic and a little later the British in India cultivated opium in large quantities for the Chinese market.
During the classic Maya empire (roughly from 200 to 800 C.E.) the main crops were just corn (sacred in all Mesoamerica) and beans.
There is an interesting monocultural parallel with certain crops (marihuana, avocado) produced in Mexico nowadays, there is one difference though:
Corn, beans and gourds were necessary for surviving; spices, opium and marihuana were not.
b. agreed to help end the Iranian hostage crisis
c. formally recognized Israel as a state
d. agreed to resume oil shipments to the United States
B) Japan
C) France
D) England
B. Britain
C. Germany
D. Italy
There were many ideas from the Enlightenment that had been part of the Declaration of Independence one of them was there will no government if the people won’t allow it. A government should be built in order to restore order and freedom
Enlightenment and its ideals had a deep effect over the Declaration of Independence of United States. You can trace the main ideas of Social Contract in the Declaration. According to Rousseau and John Locke, all the human beings, or citizens, must lived under the rule of a consented government. This government must guarantee freddom, security and protection of all the citizens.
Since Enlightenment considered absolut governments or regimes to be signs of Darkness, a Republican governement was the desired outcome.