TaskWriting a Persuasive Claim
In this activity, you'll write a persuasive claim letter. Use this scenario to write your letter:
Youve used the incandescent Soap Company's apple cinnamon body wash for several years. A month ago, you
placed an online order for two bottles of the body wash for future use. Recently, you opened a bottle and
discovered that despite the label "apple cinnamon," it's actually the plum raisin scent. You check the company's
website and learn that the company no longer sells the apple cinnamon scent, so you can't exchange the product.
The website also says that the company has a 90-day return policy, but it gives refunds only for unopened
products. Because the company made a mistake in packaging the body wash, you're writing a letter to persuade it
to give you a refund.
Part A
Brainstorm points and facts to include in your letter to support your claim. Consider the counterclaims, or
possible objections that the company may make. Then brainstorm facts to overcome the counterclaims.
BIXX Font Sizes AA-EE. EEN


Answer 1


Hello Incandescent Soap,

I purchased your Apple Cinnamon body wash about a month ago, and I recieved a Plum Raisin. I've come to know that you are no longer selling the Apple Cinnamon scent, and that is the only kind that I would like to have purchased, so I am looking to get a refund for the body wash you sent me. I know that you have a 90-day return policy, but only if the bottle is unopened, and I am asking you to make an exception for my purchase because the label gave me false information. You have labeled the bottle Apple Cinnamon, which is not only misleading, but an outright lie because the actual scent of the body wash was Plum Raisin. Even though you might say that the bottle was opened and I can't get a refund for that, I think that it is unfair of you to expect me to be satisfied with a body wash of the wrong scent. You didn't even think to contact me when you took Apple Cinnamon off your listing when I had ordered it, and you took a further step by hiding the label, I know that it is only acceptable if I get my money back for this product.

Thank you,

(Your name)

Answer 2

Final answer:

Identifying points to include in your letter: history as a loyal customer, company’s packaging error, the difficulty of identifying mislabeled product without opening, discontinuation of preferred scent, and appeal for refund in light of company error. Counter the company's potential objection about their refund policy by arguing that mislabeling necessitates opening the product.


In your persuasive claim letter, start by stating facts about your longstanding loyalty to Incandescent Soap Company and your frequent purchases of apple cinnamon body wash. Mention that the most recent order of body wash you received was mislabeled as apple cinnamon when it was actually plum raisin. Highlight that this was an error on the company’s side and it directly affected your satisfaction as a customer.

The counterclaim the company might make is founded on their return policy which only allows for refunds on unopened products. In response, it’s crucial to clarify that due to their packaging error, it was impossible to ascertain the correctness of the product without opening it. Consequently, it's unreasonable to expect customers to identify mislabeled products without opening them. Hence, their return policy should accommodate such instances.

Also draw attention to the fact that the apple cinnamon scent, which you consistently used is no longer produced. This is another reason that your satisfaction as a customer has been compromised. Closing the letter, request the company to consider these points and despite the opened state of the product, extend a refund on the basis of their mistake.

Learn more about Persuasive Claim Letter here:



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I don't know how you talk, so you can rephrase this. This is in two languages. French and English. Hope this helps. Some word are spaced out, that means to start another paragraph and indented it.

So this is in French:

Votre Majesté, je suis désolé de déranger, mais leur est un problème avec notre population. La population diminue chaque jour. Leur sont la surpopulation, la pauvreté, la criminalité violente, industrie sale et des troubles sociaux. East London a toujours été le parent pauvre du West End. Reine Victoria lorsque vous étendu l'Empire britannique le commerce et l'industrie lourde a fait ainsi. Lorsque le nouveau Dock St Katherine ouvert, de sorte que les personnes qui ont besoin d'emplois. Les dockers. Les salaires étaient pitoyable, grâce à des pratiques d'emploi sans scrupules tels que le travail occasionnel et à la pièce. La maladie était répandue: en 1866, une épidémie de choléra a balayé l'East End, tuant 3.000 personnes. Les personnes qui ont surmonté la pauvreté, ont fui vers un autre pays.          Certaines solutions ont plus de transport comme les voitures, les bus, vélos, etc et pour la population croissante, et pour les gens peuvent avoir une sorte de transport. Vous pourriez 3 fois par semaine donner la nourriture gratuite pauvres dont ils ont besoin avec de l'eau. Ouvrez certains plus d'emplois pour eux.

This is in English:
  Your majesty, I'm sorry to bother, but their is a problem with our population. The population is decreasing each day. Their are overcrowding, poverty, violent crime, grimy industry and social unrest. East London has always been the poor relation of the West End. Queen Victoria when you expanded the British Empire the trade and heavy industry did as well. When the new St Katherine Dock opened up, so did the people who needed jobs. Dock workers. Wages were pitiful, thanks to unscrupulous employment practices such as casual labour and piecework. Disease was rife: in 1866, a cholera epidemic swept the East End, killing 3,000 people. The people who overcame the poverty, fled to another country.         Some solutions are having more transportation like cars, buses, bikes, and etc for the growing population, and for the people can have some sort of transportation. You could 3 times a week give the poor free food that they need along with water. Open up some more jobs for them.

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The biblical character who lived in ur was


Abraham was the Biblical character who lived in Ur. Abraham lived in Ur and was called by God to leave his home and travel to a land that God would show him. Abraham followed God and started on the journey as the first Hebrew. As a result, his descendants travelled all the way to the Promised Land. The city of Ur was located in the ancient region known as the Chaldees. This region was in ancient Mesopotamia, along the western part of the Euphrates River. 

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Know more about ancient Mesopotamia:
