Slave traders broke up families and groups to A. increase productivity.
B. prevent rebellion.
C. reduce costs.
D. preserve their culture


Answer 1
Answer: b. prevent rebelious people

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Three, Three Democratic presidents have won two elections with more than 50 percent of the popular vote in each election.



There were three presidents to have fifty percent popular vote

Explain why this quote, attributed to newspaper owner William Randolph Hearst, has long exemplified yellow journalism: "You furnish the pictures, and I'll furnish the war!"


The relevant quote by William Randolph Hearst showed that yellow journalism led to undue influence that led to wars like the Spanish - American War

Yellow journalism involved:

  • Less focus on facts
  • More focus on blowing up sensational details for effect
  • Publishing stories that drove a certain narrative even without adequate facts

William Randolph Hearst was one of the proponents of yellow journalism and he used it to his advantage by stoking nationalist feelings after the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine in Cuba.

The quote above is simply him saying that so long as he receives the right pictures, he would keep printing sensational stories to go along with those pictures that would lead to war.

In conclusion, William Randolph Hearst used yellow journalism to get the American public to push for war.

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It has been argued that the main reason for the US war against Spain is the fierce competition that arose between Joseph Pulitzer's New York World and the New York Journal by William Randolph Hearst ". Joseph E. Wisan wrote in an essay entitled" The Cuban Crisis as Reflected in New York Press ", published in" American Imperialism "in 1898:" In the author's opinion, the Spanish-American War would not have happened if not the emergence of Hearst journalism in New York sparked a fierce battle for newspaper circulation to which he wrote: "You complete the pictures, and I will complete the war. "

Further Explanation

William Randolph Hearst (April 29, 1863 - August 14, 1951) was a prominent figure in the United States press, born in San Francisco, California.

William Randolph was the only son of George Hearst, a successful miner who became a multimillionaire, and later the US Senate from California, and Phoebe Apperson Hearst, a former school teacher from Missouri.

Hearst is the king of the media. He founded the newspaper empire, now the Hearst Corporation. He has been famous for sensational stories. The stories are often wrong, or not following previous reality.

Yellow journalism, or yellow newspaper, is a type of journalism with bombastic headlines, but after reading the contents are not substantial. Yellow journalism is a deterioration of meaning journalism. This is because the orientation of its manufacture emphasizes more on sensational news than on the substance of its contents.

Yellow journalism aims to increase sales, therefore yellow journalism is often accused of being unprofessional and unethical journalism. The importance of yellow journalism is how people have an interest in the news. The case of yellow journalism protested by certain parties will not budge.

Learn more

about William Randolph Hearst

definition of Yellow journalism


Grade: High School

Subject: History

keywords: William Randolph Hearst, Yellow journalism

Trade along the Silk Roads and the trans-Saharantrade routes resulted in
(1) elimination of all traditional beliefs
(2) a movement toward decolonization
(3) the Columbian exchange
(4) cultural diffusion between different societies


Trade along the Silk Roads and the trans-Saharan trade routes resulted in "(4) cultural diffusion between different societies" among many other things. 

All Englishmen of the nineteenth century agreed that the Industrial Revolution produced no ill effects.a. True
b. False


No, it is false that all Englishmen of the nineteenth century agreed that the Industrial Revolution produced no ill effects, since many upper-class Englishmen resented the Industrial Revolution because they thought it gave too much wealth to the lower, working classes. 

Which of the Following developments is An example of imperialism A. Two European countries reach a deal to trade freely
B. A European country colonizes parts of North America.
C. Are European country sends economic aid to an African country
D. Two European countries agreed to merge their governments


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "C. Are European country sends economic aid to an African country." The development that is An example of imperialism is that European country sends economic aid to an African country

The "correct" answer to your question is answer B. A European country colonizes part of North America.

Apex Students this should help :)

What finally decided the outcome of the 2000 presidential election? A. Congress B. a state court judge C. the U.S. Supreme Court D. the nationwide popular vote


The outcome of the 2000 presidential election was ultimately decided by C. the U.S. Supreme Court.

Election Dispute:

The 2000 presidential election was highly contentious and came down to the results in the state of Florida.

There were disputes over the vote count in Florida, particularly regarding "hanging chads" and other ballot irregularities.

Florida Recount:

Initially, the Florida state court ordered a recount of the votes in certain Florida counties.

This recount process was a significant part of the post-election legal battle.

Supreme Court Intervention:

The Bush campaign filed a lawsuit with the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing that the recount process violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

They sought an injunction to stop the recount.

Supreme Court Decision:

On December 12, 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a 5-4 decision in Bush v. Gore.

The Court ruled that the Florida recount process was inconsistent and lacked clear standards, and therefore, it violated the Constitution.

As a result, the Supreme Court effectively halted the recount in Florida, allowing the previous certified results, which favored George W. Bush, to stand.

Outcome: With the Supreme Court's decision, George W.

Bush was declared the winner of the 2000 presidential election and became the 43rd President of the United States.

It's important to note that this election was unique in modern U.S. history due to the controversy surrounding the Florida vote count and the decisive role played by the U.S. Supreme Court in determining the outcome.

The nationwide popular vote was not the deciding factor in this election; it was the legal battle and the Supreme Court's ruling that ultimately settled the contest.

For similar question on presidential election.


It's A hope this helped.