Crash Course History of Science Episode #22:Darwin and Natural Selection
1. In Natural Theology what were the 4 aspects of creation?


Answer 1
Answer: 1) There’s a divine creator.
2) There are species that never change.
3) There is a short creation (world was only about 6,000 years old).
4) There is a perfect design for each species.

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B. The energy will be converted into another form. In chemical reactions energy is usually changed to heat or light energy. This is an example of the First Law of Thermodynamics which states that energy can not be created or destroyed.

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Well, think of it this way. If you put a big paper circle on the ground, and then you put smaller circles on top of the big circle, which one would have been there longer? The big circle, of course. So the same logic applies here: if the smaller craters had been older than the big crater, then when the big crater was formed, the smaller ones would've been buried. Therefore, crater 2 is older than the smaller craters inside it.
Hope that helped! =)

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Plant cells have a cell wall, so it can't pinch in and separate like an animal cell does. So, a plant cell forms a cell plate in the middle, then that becomes a cell wall and new membrane. That's why plant cells are so close together.

The cells of most plants do not have centrioles, although a spindle of fibers is present. Cytokinesis usually, but not always occurs during telophase. The rigid cell wall prevents the formation of cleavage furrow during cytokinesis; instead, a cell plate forms to separate the parent cell into two daughter cells, and a new cell wall forms along the cell plate.

Now see plant cells have a cell wall as animal cells do not. A plant cell also has a cytoplasm. A plant also has a vacuole. And parts of a cell are in different  places then each other. I hope this helped!

What do physical changes do?


Great question!

Physical changes change the appearance of something or someone.

For example, let's say 2 cats get into a fight. One is left clean in the end of this, with no scratches or bites anywhere, so nothing has happened to it as a physical change.

However, the other cat is left scarred and with bite marks everywhere. All this has left the cat's once-beautiful coat now ragged and torn up. This is an example of a physical change.

↑   ↑   ↑  Hope this helps! :D


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