Which scientist developed the system for classifying organisms?


Answer 1
Answer: Carl Von Linneaus developed the system for classifying organisms.
Answer 2
Answer: Carl von developed the system for classifying organisms

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What is the role of DNA in transmitting genetic information? Describe DNA’s important genetic role in a few sentences below.



DNA is responsible for traits.

A section of DNA that codes for a specific trait is called a gene.

Half of your DNA comes from each parent.

Your traits are a combination of your parents’ traits.

DNA is the blueprint for proteins, which play many roles in the body.


Information to include in your answer on edge 2020

DNA is the molecule which holds the Genetic Information , it's like the blueprint for how the body will be built, you can call it the book of life. 

DNA is like a book written in a 4-letters-language, each three letter (Codon) can form a word , and these words can form sentences (Genes). And like any other type of sentences they contain some words which are not necessary (Introns) and crucial words (Exons). Moreover like any book, some chapters are not that necessary (Noncoding DNA). 

Hemophilia is an example of what type of disorder? a. disorder caused by a dominant gene
b. disorder inherited only from the mother
c. X-linked recessive disorder
d. disorder with genes located on the y chromosome



The answer is C!

hope this helps


Populations of organisms have many genetic variations. Where do these come from?


Usually from a mutation in the genetic code

The basic requirements for plants to survive are _____.-oxygen
-carbon dioxide


The basic requirements of plants to survive are air or known as carbon dioxide, plants uses carbon dioxide to make food, then they release oxygen as a result, they also need nutrients, nutrients come from the soil or fertilizers, nutrients acts as vitamins for plants. Plants also need water to survive, water is used in the photosynthesis process and also promotes growth of both the stem and the leaves. They also need Sunlight, plants need sunlight to produce glucose or sugar/food during photosynthesis.

Plants needs:

Sunlight, Water, Carbon dioxide.!!

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Continental shelf. The continental shelf has always been thought about as part of the oceanic basin, but it's actually a submerged part of the continental crust.  Continental shelf and continental slope are part of the continental margin that forms the outer edge of a big landmass.

A dog gives birth to five puppies. What percentage of its chromosomes does each puppy share with the mother?A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 100%


the answer us b. 50%
yep 50% because each parent gives 50% Of DNA