Caffeine, a molecule found in coffee, tea, and certain soft drinks, contains C, H, O, and N. Combustion of 10.0 g of caffeine produces 18.13 g of CO₂, 4.639 g of H₂O, and 2.885 g of N₂. Determine the molar mass of the compound if it is between 150 and 210 g/mol.


Answer 1

The molar mass of the compound is found by finding the empirical and

molecular formula of the compound.

  • The molar mass of the compound, MM = 2 × 97 g/mol = 194 g/mol


Molar mass of CO₂ = 44.01 g/mol

Number of moles of CO₂ produced = (18.13)/(44.01) ≈ 0.412 moles

Number of moles of produced C = 0.412 moles

Mass of C = 12 × 0.412 = 4.944 g

Molar mass of H₂O = 18.015 g/mol

Moles of H₂O produced = (4.639)/(18.015 ) = 0.2575 moles

  • Moles of produced H = 2 × 0.2575 = 0.515 moles
  • Mass of H = 1.00784 × 0.515 ≈ 0.519 g

Molar mass of N₂ = 28.0134 g/mol

  • Moles of N produced = 2 × (2.885)/(28.0134 ) = 2 × 0.103 = 0.206 moles

Mass of oxygen = 10 - 4.944 - 2.885 - 0.519 = 1.652

  • Moles of oxygen, O = (1.652 \, g)/(16 \, g/mol) ≈ 0.103 moles

Therefore, we get;

Number of moles of produced C = 0.412 moles

Number of moles of produced H = 0.515 moles

Number of moles of oxygen, O ≈ 0.103 moles

Number of moles of N produced = 0.206 moles

Dividing by 0.103 gives;

  • Mole ratio of C = (0.412)/(0.103) = 4
  • Mole ratio of H = (0.515)/(0.103) = 5
  • Mole ratio of O = 1
  • Mole ratio of N = (0.206)/(0.103) = 2

  • The empirical formula of the compound is therefore; C₄H₅N₂O

  • The general molecular formula is of the form (C₄H₅N₂O)ₙ

Molar mass of the compound is between 150 g/mol and 210 g/mol (given)

The molar mass of C₄H₅N₂O = 4×12 + 5×1.00784 + 2×14 + 16 ≈ 97

The molar mass of C₄H₅N₂O ≈ 97 g/mol

Molar mass of the compound is between 150 and 210 g/mol, therefore, n in

(C₄H₅N₂O)ₙ = 2, which gives;

  • The molar mass of the compound, MM = 2 × 97 g/mol = 194 g/mol

Learn more here:

Answer 2


194 g/mol.



In this case, one first must compute the mass of each element as shown below:

C=18.13gCO_2*(12gC)/(44gCO_2) =4.945gC\nH=4.639gH_2O*(2.016gH)/(18.0152gH_2O)=0.519gH\nN=2.885gN_2\nO=10.0g-4.945g-0.519g-2.885g=1.651gO

Next, the corresponding moles:

C=4.945gC*(1molC)/(12gC)=0.412mol\nH=0.519gH*(1molH)/(1gH)=0.519mol\nN=2.885gN*(1molN)/(14gN)=0.206molN\nO=1.648gO*(1molO)/(16gO) =0.103molO

Then, each element's subscripts is found to be:

C=(0.412)/(0.103)=4\nH=(0.519)/(0.103)=5\nN=(0.206)/(0.103) =2\nO=(0.103)/(0.103)=1

Therefore, the empirical formula is:


Nonetheless, it has a molar mass of 97bg/mol, thereby, by multiplying such formula by 2 one gets:


Which has a molar mass of 194 g/mol being correctly contained in the given interval.

Best regards.

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That would be the negative ion:  Cl-.

When the following redox equation is balanced with smallest whole number coefficients, the coefficient for Sn(OH)3– will be _____. Bi(OH)3(s) + Sn(OH)3–(aq) → Sn(OH)62–(aq) + Bi(s) (basic solution)



The coefficient of Sn(OH)_3^(-) is 3 in the balanced redox reaction.


Oxidation reaction is defined as the chemical reaction in which an atom loses its electrons. The oxidation number of the atom gets increased during this reaction.

X\rightarrow X^(n+)+ne^-

Reduction reaction is defined as the chemical reaction in which an atom gains electrons. The oxidation number of the atom gets reduced during this reaction.

X^(n+)+ne^-\rightarrow X

For the given chemical reaction:

Bi(OH)_3+Sn(OH)_3^(-)\rightarrow Sn(OH)6^(2-)+Bi

The half cell reactions for the above reaction follows:

Oxidation half reaction:  Sn(OH)_3^(-)+3OH^-\rightarrow Sn(OH)6^(2-)+2e^-

Reduction half reaction:  Bi(OH)_3+3e^-\rightarrow Bi+3OH^-

To balance the oxidation half reaction must be multiplied by 3 and reduction half reaction must be multiplied by 2 thus, the balanced equation is:-

3Sn(OH)_3^(-)+3OH^-+2Bi(OH)_3\rightarrow 3Sn(OH)6^(2-)+2Bi

The coefficient of Sn(OH)_3^(-) is 3 in the balanced redox reaction.

Search online for "free medline." You will probably find several websites that offer this feature. Search for research abstracts on "cancer and exercise." Review at least six abstracts (articles no more than five years old). Based on the conclusions of these studies, how beneficial is regular exercise for cancer patients? How would you market your services to clients that have cancer? Be sure to cite your work.Research the benefits and risks of exercise and youth. List at least five resources (resources no more than five years old) and summarize the research findings in your own words. Is resistance training safe, effective, and beneficial for young people? Why or why not?



There are currently a variety of advanced medical treatment screening programs for certain types of cancer that have resulted in more people having a better chance of healing or living longer.


Exercise helps cancer survivors cope with and recover from treatment; exercise may improve the health of long term cancer survivors and extend survival. Physical exercise will benefit throughout the spectrum of cancer. However, an understanding of the amount, type and intensity of exercise needed has not been fully elucidated. There is sufficient evidence to promote exercise in cancer survivors following careful assessment and tailoring on exercise prescription.

"The field  of  oncology will benefit  from understanding the importance of  physical activity both for primary prevention as well as in helping cancer survivors cope with and recover from treatments, improve the health of long term cancer survivors and possibly even reduce the risk of  recurrence and extend survival after a cancer diagnosis" (P. Rajarajeswaran,  R. Vishnupriya)

Additional studies will be needed to more firmly establish physical activity benefits to cancer survivors.

  • R. Segal, MD*, C. Zwaal, MSc†, E. Green, RN‡, J.R. Tomasone, PhD§, A. Loblaw, MD MSc‖, T. Petrella, MD, Exercise for people with cancer: a clinical practice guideline. 2017. Canadian Cancer Research Journal.
  • A systematic review and meta-analysis of the safety, feasibility and effect of exercise in women with stage II+ breast cancer. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, May 2018.
  • Efficacy of exercise interventions in patients with advanced cancer: A systematic review. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, May 2018.
  • McNeely ML. Exercise as a promising intervention in head & neck cancer patients. Indian J Med Res.
  • P. Rajarajeswaran,  R. Vishnupriya. Exercise in cancer. College of Physiotherapy, Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences, India.

Exercise is key both in the prevention and treatment of cancer, since it improves the quality and life expectancy of patients.

How would you market your services to clients that have cancer?

The benefits of exercise against cancer are innumerable: it helps prevent it, reduces the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, decreases cancer recurrence, improves vital energy, mobility and balance and reduces fatigue, maintains muscle mass, improves self-esteem and sleep quality, decreases the level of anxiety, depression and stress.

No one doubts the importance of physical activity, exercise and sport in global health, in the prevention and even in the treatment of numerous diseases. Among these diseases is cancer. There are more than 10,000 scientific publications that have studied the links between exercise and cancer and almost all of them with positive results regarding the prevention of numerous types of tumors, the decrease in cancer recurrence and the best prognosis of the latter if You exercise.

It is scientifically proven that properly prescribed physical exercise can be performed without risk during and after chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments. However, it is necessary to adjust its intensity, duration, weekly frequency and type of exercise to the general condition of the patient. Physical exercise will improve the quality of life, fatigue and mood of the cancer patient being treated. It will also improve the prognosis of the disease, its quality of future life and its final life expectancy.

Research the benefits and risks of exercise and youth.

The benefits of physical activity and sports in young people imply a better physical condition, but also plays a fundamental role from the psychological and social. Every healthy habit is best incorporated from childhood, so that it becomes natural and everyday and improves the quality of life of our future adults.

The benefits of physical activity in youth are several:

  • Better cardiorespiratory function and greater muscular strength
  • Fat reduction, children and young people who perform physical activity have lower body fat.
  • Decreased risk of subsequent cardiovascular and metabolic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol.
  • Better bone health, because the growing bones are strengthened.
  • Fewer symptoms of depression since they do not get bored, find motivations and social relationships.

Children and young people should perform daily physical activities in the form of commuting, games, recreational activities, physical education, programmed exercises and sports, in the context of school and clubs, if possible integrating other family members.

Calculate the mass percent of oxygen in KMnO4.


Answer: 40.496%

Hope this helps! (:

What is the total mass (amu) of carbon in each of the following molecules?(a)CH4


The mass of carbon in \rm CH_4 is 12.007 amu, \rm CHCl_3 is 12.007, \rm C_1_2H_1_0O_1_6 is 144.084 amu, and \rm CH_3CH_2CH_2CH_2CH_3 is 60.035 amu.

What is the mass of one Carbon atom?

The mass has been given as the sum of the atomic mass unit in the compound. The mass of 1 atom of carbon is 12.007 amu.

The mass of carbon in the following compounds is given as:

  • \rm CH_4

The number of Carbon units = 1

The mass of carbon in compound = 12.007 amu

  • \rm CHCl_3

The number of Carbon units = 1

The mass of carbon in the compound = 12.007 amu

  • \rm C_1_2H_1_0O_1_6

The number of carbon units =12

The mass of carbon in the compound:  

\rm 12\;*\;12.007\;amu\n=144.084\;amu

  • \rm CH_3CH_2CH_2CH_2CH_3

The number of carbon units = 5

The mass of carbon in the compound:

\rm 5\;*\;12.007\;amu\n=60.035\;amu

Learn more about the mass of an atom, here:


The atomic mass of carbon (C) is 12.0107 amu, so if you want to calculate the total mass in each molecule, you just need to multiply the number of carbon atoms in the substance by 12.017. In (a) there is one atom of C, (b) have also one atom of C, (c) have 12 atoms of C, and (d) have five atoms of C. Thus, the total mass (amu) of carbon is:

(a) 12.017 amu

(b) 12.017 amu

(c) 144.204 amu

(d) 60.085 amu

Calculate the molarity of a solution that contains 0.50 g of NaCl dissolved in 100mL of solution?


The molarity is an important method which is used to calculate the concentration of a solution. The molarity of a solution that contains 0.50 g of NaCl dissolved in 100mL of solution is 0.085 M.

What is molarity?

The molarity of a solution is defined as the number of moles of the solute present per litre of the solution. It is an most important method to calculate the concentration of a binary solution. It is represented as 'M'.

The equation used to calculate the molarity is:

Molarity = Number of moles of the solute / Volume of the solution in litres

1L = 1000 mL

100 mL = 0.1 L

Number of moles (n) = Given mass / Molar mass

n = 0.50 / 58.44 = 0.008

Molarity = 0.0085 /  0.1  = 0.085 M

Thus the molarity of the solution is 0.085 M.

To know more about molarity, visit;


The answer is 0.085470.. mol/dm^3. I might have made some mistakes but I have included the working out so do try it yourself to make sure it’s right!