current floating exchange rate
Exchange rate is the rate at which one currency will be exchanged with another. For example, 1 United States Dollar is equivalent to 4.24 Poland Zloty as of March 2020.
There are two common types of exchange rates:
1. Floating exchange rate: This is set by the FOREX market, and is based on the current supply and demand of currencies. When demand for a currency is high, its value increases and vice versa.
2. Fixed exchange rate: A fixed or pegged exchange rate is whereby a government entirely determines the rate and value of the currency.
Generally, a floating exchange rate system is used in the global market. This does not mean countries allow their currencies to fluctuate endlessly. The central bank of a country and it's government does intervene and manipulate the currency to make it favorable for them during international trade but it is done in a more indirect manner as opposed to a fixed exchange rate system.
The missing term in the sentence is 'exchange rate'. This rate determined the amount in Latvian currency Mariah received for her traveler's check.
The term currently missing in the sentence is exchange rate. The exchange rate is the value of one currency for the purpose of conversion to another. It plays a vital role in the level of trade of a country, which is critical to most free market economies in the world.
So for Mariah, the current exchange rate between the US dollar and the Latvian currency determined that her $100 should be converted to $61.82 in Latvian currency.
B. down payment
C. closing costs
D. all of the above
B Large company stocks
C Small company stocks
D OU.S. Treasury bills
it is the government bond
Answer: True
Answer:48.32 is the answer
B. using timed faucets
C.using keycard-controlled master switches
using temperature control
E. restricting use of the swimming pool
*refraining from engaging in harmful practices
*making ethically correct business decisions
*providing support to employees
The current economic context is globalized and highly competitive, which makes companies with social and environmental responsibility better positioned and valued by their stakeholders.
There are a number of good practices that companies can adopt to contribute to the development of their micro and macro environment.
Some of them are:
Companies with greater corporate governance will be more positioned in the market and will attract greater attention from consumers and investors. Consequently, good organizational practices also help to continuously improve processes and reduce waste.
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