The actual distance between Eagle Lake and Swallow Lake is 4.5 km, calculated by using the given map scale and setting up a proportion.
This question is about calculating actual distances using a map scale. A map scale allows distances on a map to relate to actual distances in real life. The given map scale is 4 cm = 2 km, which means every 4 cm on the map corresponds to 2 km in real life.
Thus, to calculate the actual distance between Eagle Lake and Swallow Lake, we need to apply a simple proportion.
Use properties to find the sum or product.
B- (-24) divided by 6 + 2
C- 36 divided by(-4) + 7
D- (-32) divided by 8 - 4
Area: 452.4
Perimeter: 75.4 ft
Step-by-step explanation:
Formula for area:
Formula for perimeter: or