Constitutional monarchs are all of the following EXCEPT:. a. sole powerful leaders. c. sharing governmental powers. b. ceremonial rulers. d. rulers by birthright


Answer 1
Answer: The one that is not the characteristic of constitutional monarch is : A. Sole powerful leaders

There are 2 types of monarchs :
- Absolute monarch >>>> The old type of monarch
- Constitutional Monarch >> The new type of monarch

In constitutional monarch, the Country's affair usually fall to the prime minister. The kings and queens are only ceremonial rulers and used as a symbol of nobility.
Answer 2
Answer: A, Sole powerful leaders. Constitutional indicates they share power with the people or non at all. An example is the United Kingdom. 

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The U.S government leaders were impressed by the Native Americans' sacrifices and granted them citizenship.

I just took the quiz and this was the answer. I really hope that this can help somebody

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He would be replaced by a finer ruler.


Apex says its right, so!

PLS I need an answer Not a link!





it says that they were free and that he could not alienate them

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