after going inside for a midnight snack, you and your firends go back outdoors for a 25 minute sky gazing session. the probability that you observe no more than 52 meteors during this sky gazing session is


Answer 1




According to Google, daily there are 17 meteors hit the Earth on average. In 25 minutes, there are almost no chance you and your friends can observe 52 meteors. Therefore, the probability is 1 (or 100%).

Answer 2


your answer it 1


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espero te ayude


Los grandes almacenes más emblemáticos, aquellos extraordinarios edificios con enormes cristaleras y piedra tallada que albergaban decenas de miles de objetos, cambiaron la faz de las calles de las grandes capitales desde mediados del siglo XIX. La población se asombraba de su poder de atracción, de su diversidad.

Muchos, también, miraban con pánico unos palacios del consumo que amenazaban con arrebatarles su identidad, su estilo de vida y hasta la pasión de sus mujeres. Los mercaderes no habían entrado en el templo... ¡Habían creado sus propios centros de peregrinación dejando las iglesias vacías! Era un escándalo fabuloso, peligroso y embriagador. Pasen y vean..... :)

Juan and George are a gay couple and would like to adopt a child. All of the following statements would be true of their experiences in the United States expect for which one?•A. There are many states in the U.S. where adoption is an option for gay couples.B. They should use an attorney to be sure their rights are protected.C. Because they are both men, they will only be allowed to adopt a male child.D. Laws affecting nonheterosexual adoption vary from state to state, so they should be sure to fully understand their state laws.


The correct answer is letter C.

Explanation: There is no specific law on homosexual couples adopting only girls or boys, so this option is the only wrong.

Identify the kind of digestion that takes place in the mouth



Mechanical and chemical digestion begin in the mouth with the chewing of food and the release of saliva, which starts carbohydrate digestion.


Mechanical and chemical digestion begin in the mouth with the chewing of food and the release of saliva, which starts carbohydrate digestion


The stability of IQ scores ….. (a) is highest in infancy. (b) becomes fairly high starting at around age four. (c) is highest with longer times between testing sessions. (d) is high for individual children but low for large groups of children.



(b) becomes fairly high starting at around age four.



The correct answer is (b) becomes fairly high starting at around age four.


The intelligence quotient (IQ) consists of a score, which is obtained by carrying out a series of tests specially designed to measure their intelligence. It can be said that the validity or reliability of the IQ will be significantly affected by the age of the person when the evaluation is passed at first and the time interval between that measurement and a new one. As the child is older and this period is shorter, the greater the constancy (stability) of the IQ. The reliability and validity of intelligence tests increases according to the age of the subject, being more reliable as the years go by, first those of lactation, then those around the age of four or more in this period children acquire new skills and abilities that allow them to better relate to reality, later those of adolescence and finally, those of adults. The stability of IQ scores has a considerable importance, precisely because of the temporal stability of the QI in children the usefulness and validity of early detection of gifted children is based.

Joshua is interested in running a half-marathon and seeks help from a personal trainer. During the first week of training, Joshua is asked to walk 5 miles every day. The following week, the trainer instructs him to walk a mile and then run a mile until he completes 5 miles. Each week, the training regimen gets harder. By the end of the month, Joshua is running 5 miles without stopping. By the end of the second month, Joshua is running the distance of a half-marathon (approx. 13 miles). After each training session, the trainer meets with Joshua to give him reinforcing feedback and to motivate him to continue training. This situation is an example of:



A variable-ratio schedule


The case shown in the question above can be considered an example of a variable-ratio schedule, which is a type of reinforcement scheme in operant conditioning, where a response is observed in the elaboration of an unpredictable number of responses stimulated through repetitive training, or that is, this type of reinforcement scheme encourages the performance of a specific and desired behavior, through various "trainings" with variable responses, until the desired behavior is achieved.

In the case above, the desired behavior was Joshua's ability to run the equivalent of a half marathon. This behavior was stimulated with several trainings that allowed Joshua to run different amounts of kilometers, until he could run the desired amount.

Final answer:

The situation is an example of progressive overload, a fitness concept where the intensity of the workout is gradually increased to improve strength and endurance.


The scenario provided is an example of progressive overload, a fundamental principle in fitness and training. This concept refers to the systematic and gradual increase of stress placed on the body during exercise training, which leads to increased strength and endurance.

In Joshua's case, his personal trainer is implementing this principle by gradually increasing his mileage each week until he is able to run a half-marathon without stopping.

t's important to note that progressive overload isn't just about increasing the amount of exercise, but also ensuring proper recovery and feedback, which we see happening in Joshua's post-training sessions.

Learn more about Progressive Overload here:


German sociologist Jurgen Habermas's ideal of the public sphere is a vision of the?



Explanation: German Sociologist Jürgen Habermas born 18 June 1929 wrote on communicative rationality and the public sphere.

In his work, he addresses the public as a group of private individuals coming together to form the public that work together for a common goal. He advocates for the participation of of private individuals in politics.