A single star in the process of forming starts by spinning slowly (while it is quite large and relatively cool.) As the star collapses under the pull of its own gravity, its size decreases. As a result, its rate of spinning:_____.


Answer 1



According to the conservation of momentum, when the external torque is not applied on the system, then the angular momentum of the system is conserved.

I x ω = constant

I_(1)\omega _(1)=I_(2)\omega _(2)

where, I is the moment if inertia and ω is the angular velocity

As the star is collapsed, the radius decreases and hence the moment of inertia also decreases.

According to the law, the angular velocity increases, thus the rate of spinning increases.

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The sum (or difference) of two solutions of the wave equation is again a solution of the wave equation(superposition principle)

therefore the amplitude of resultant wave is 3+4= 7cm


7 cm


When the waves are super-posed their amplitudes are added algebraically to get the resultant amplitude.

resultant amplitude = 3+4 = 7cm

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That's the "Doppler effect". It's also the operating principle
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This is true. Unlike the answer above, I disagree. A translation is simply sliding the shape across a graph. It doesn't change the size, shape, or orientation- the coordinates are the only thing that change. A dilation changes the size of a shape, not a translation.
False, Because there is some cases where enlarged image needed.

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We know that = 


Taking 'g' as 9.8 m/s² and putting the values in the formula we get -


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KE = 1/2 mv²,

where KE is the kinetic energy,

m is the mass,

and v is the velocity.

Given m = 1500 kg and v = 30 m/s:

KE = 1/2 (1500 kg) (30 m/s)²

KE = 675,000 J

KE = 675 kJ