A space probe is coasting through space at a steady speed of 100p feet per second. the booster rocket fires for 1/2 seconds so the price is now Traveling at 5.000 feet per second. What acceleration did the socket deliver?


Answer 1


Acceleration: 9800 ft/s^2


The acceleration of an object is equal to the rate of change of velocity:



u is the initial velocity

v is the final velocity

t is the time taken for the velocity to change from u to v

For the space probe in this problem, we have:

u = 100 ft/s (initial velocity)

v = 5000 ft/s (final velocity)

t = 0.5 s (time taken)

Therefore, the acceleration is

a=(5000-100)/(0.5)=9800 ft/s^2

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Final answer:

In Chemistry, pH levels can be determined using acid-base indicators or pH paper which change color to reflect the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Substances with pH less than 7 are acidic, while those with pH over 7 are basic. The concentration of hydrogen ions can also be used to determine pH.


The pH level of a substance can be determined using acid-base indicators or pH paper which change color in relation to the acidity or alkalinity of the solution. The pH scale measures from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Anything below 7 is considered acidic, and anything above 7 is basic or alkaline. For example, if using pH paper or an indicator, a solution that colors the paper or indicator red or orange is likely to be acidic, whereas a green or blue color suggests a basic solution. The specific color can provide a rough estimate of the pH value, with some indicators or pH papers providing more precise value ranges.

Another method to measure pH is by examining the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution. A lower pH value indicates a higher concentration of hydrogen ions, making the solution more acidic. Conversely, a higher pH value indicates a lower concentration of hydrogen ions, making the solution more basic or alkaline.

Learn more about pH levels here:



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Answer: centimeters per second (cm/s)


The relation between the frequency and the wavelenght is:

Velocity = wavelenght*frequency.

So in a relation of wavelenght vs frequency, we will have the relationship:

Where wavelenght is Y and frequency is X

wavelenght = velocity/frequency.

So the constant is the velocity, and we know that the units of the wavelenght is cm, the unit of frequency is Hz (or 1/s), so the units of the velocity is cm/s




λν=c where λ is the wavelength, ν is the frequency and c is the speed of light.

λ = c/v which is in cm/s/Hz

But we would use just cm! Because that's how we measure the wavelength in this example.

However, the constant is c, the speed of light, which we measure as a speed, so cm/s will do.

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c. endothermic change
d. exothermic change


The answer is C.endothermic change.

♡♡Hope I helped!!! :)♡♡
endothermic change because there is no change in weight or mass. It is not exothermic because exothermic change  is a chemical or physical change that releases heat.

Energia potencial de una pila de 100g colocados sobre una mesa de 68 cm del piso





We have to use the formula for potential energy


where g is the gravity constant, h is the heigth an M is the mass. By replacing and taking into account the appropriate units (kg and m) we have




I hope this is useful for you
