Personal appearance
Personal appearance can be used for communication and presentation skills. It is simply the ways a speaker or an individual appears to the audience. It can be used as a visual aid to express a speaker's idea. One's clothing can be used to communicate ideas to an audience
Frieda explained to her son what it looks like to be a doctor, by wearing the clothing of a doctor. This leaves a visual imprint of the idea of a doctor on the mind of the child. The next time the child sees someone wearing that clothing, he will mostly assume the person is doctor.
In 1897, Theodore Roosevelt was appointed by President William McKinley, as Assistant Secretary of the Navy.
Theodore Roosevelt, who later also became President of the United States, was known for his intense desire and his belief, in the need for his country to prepare itself for possible future wars, especially with Spain, given the growing interests, and the increasingly influential role, that the United States was playing in the world arena. Serving only for a year as Assistant Secretary, Roosevelt proved vital for the renewal and empowerment of the Navy and its forces, especially technology-wise, and he believed strongly that the United States needed to become involved in a war to prove its prowess, its power and solidify its position in the world. He also became involved with great strategists which proved vital when the Spanish-American War erupted. Theodore Roosevelt himself became a hero of this war.
An anthropomorphic error DOES NOT occur when participants become aware that they are being observed in a naturalistic observation study. Therefore, this statement is false.
Correct Answer:
D) is a formal method of communication, i.e., legally it needs to be approved by an administrator, such as a principal during routines that families normally engage in.
In an established school system, there is need to have an established form of communication between the students and the parents of those students. This could be achieved through a traveling notebook. Before its usage, there is need for it to be approved by the school management in-order to monitor that it was used for its main purpose rather than being abused.
The answer is A