The best presentation messages will _____ for the audience. Question 5 options: A) inspire action B) clarify difficult concepts C) provide information D) answer a question E) save time


Answer 1
Answer: Clarify difficult concepts

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The sculptor considered the best of the early Renaissance is Donatello.

Donatello was one of the creators of the Renaissance style and one of the greatest artist of the Renaissance.

Donatello stood out in an innovative force in the field of monumental sculpture and in the treatment of the reliefs, where he managed to represent a great depth within a minimum plane, being called with the name of stiacciato, that is to say, flattened or squashed relief.

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The correct answer is (b.) Vice President. If the President of a country is unable to fulfill his duties for some reasons, the Vice President may reside and step in to fulfill the role of the President. The Vice President is considered as the second-highest executive office official in the country, after the President, thereby he/she has the right to step in whenever the President can't.

Environmental policy addresses all of the following issues except _______.a. air pollution
b. water pollution
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Why is it important for environmental policy to address pollution concerns?
a. Pollution can have a negative impact on human health.
b. Pollution is damaging to the environment.
c. Pollution can cause a reduction in usable natural resources.
d. All of the above


For the first question, the correct answer is C: natural disasters.

Environmental policies do not comprehend natural disasters because they don't necessarily happen due to human activities. Air and water pollution and overfishing are things that only happen because of human activities, and these are the things that these policies try to diminish.

The second question's answer is letter D: all of the above.

Poluttion brings negative effects on human health, because it helps developed a lot of diseases. Also, it is damaging to the environment causing a lot of problems such as global warming. And last, it reduces the usable natural resources, like water, which is vital to the humanity.

Final answer:

Environmental policy tackles a range of issues including air and water pollution, and overfishing, but not natural disasters. These policies are extremely important as they help prevent pollution which can harm human health, damage the environment, and cause a reduction in usable natural resources.


Environmental policy addresses a number of issues including air pollution, water pollution, and overfishing. However, it generally does not directly address natural disasters. The policies are geared toward preventing and mitigating the causes of environmental harm, and while natural disasters can cause environmental damage, they are largely beyond human control and hence are not typically a primary focus of environmental policy.

The importance of environmental policy in addressing pollution concerns is immense. Pollution can have a negative impact on human health, from respiratory issues due to air pollution to diseases caused by water pollution. Additionally, pollution is damaging to the environment, causing problems such as loss of biodiversity and ecosystem imbalance. Finally, pollution can cause a reduction in usable natural resources, making it a sustainability issue that has far-reaching implications for future generations.

Learn more about Environmental Policy here:


Jessica comes home from middle school one day and is upset. Her Mom asks her what is wrong and Jessica responds, "All the kids at school make fun of me and say that I am chunky and big-boned. I just want to be thin like the rest of the girls!" Jessica's Mom retorts with, "Honey, don't worry what the other kids say. You don't have to be very thin like some of those other girls, just make sure you are healthy. Besides, we are all genetically preprogrammed to carry around a certain amount of body weight. That is just how we were made." Jessica's Mom is clearly referring to the _____



The answer is the set-point theory.


According to set-point theory, everyone is "programmed" with an ideal body weight in order to function properly. This also means that any weight-loss will result in a slower metabolism and increased energy expenditure, leading to more food consumption. Eventually, the body will go back to its ideal weight.