The idea of controlling humans through biological engineering is an example of ________ context with an extreme form of state control. Such a context fits in the genre of science fiction because ________ .


Answer 1

Answer:enginering contoling and  contex


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Excerpt from Selecting the Best Dog Breed for Your Family Rebecca Sparling First, you need to ask yourself why you’re interested in owning a dog. Figuring out how a dog fits into your lifestyle is the first step in selecting the correct breed. Many people interested in adopting a dog are looking for companionship. Mixed-breed dogs are often excellent companions. Smaller breeds like the bichon frisé and the beagle are among the most affectionate dogs. Other people adopt dogs for security reasons. Though many dogs are protective of their owners, some breeds are better at sounding an alarm than others. German shepherds, rottweilers, and doberman pinschers are natural guardians. Their barks will alert you when something out of the ordinary occurs. After reading this article Jim went out and bought a doberman pinscher. Jim PROBABLY wants a dog A) primarily to guard his home. B) as a friendly and loving companion. C) that could win famous dog show awards. D) that will be friendly with little children.


The answer is:  A) primarily to guard his home.

After reading the article from "Selecting the Best Dog Breed for Your Family," by Rebecca Sparling, Jim bought a doberman pinscher to protect his home. The reason is such breed is mentioned as one of the best to emit sounds when they are aware of danger. Actually, the author claims "German shepherds, rottweilers, and doberman pinschers are natural guardians. Their barks will alert you when something out of the ordinary occurs."




Why did the speaker above want the bard to stop singing?He had a headache and couldn’t listen to the music any longer.
He noticed that the songs upset Odysseus.
He was tired of sitting and wanted to participate in the games.
He had eaten too much and wanted to feast to end.



me do not know de way of ze question


me do no

sorry my brother was on the computer

 Sandra was content reading a book on Friday nights.
Which sentence uses the word content as it is used in the box above?
Soy beans have a high protein content.The content of the magazine was quite stimulating.The inspector found that the mercury content was too high.The baby seemed content listening to the soothing music.


The correct answer is "The baby seemed content listening to the soothing music". Because in the given example and the correct answer, "content" is used as an adjective, meaning happy, whereas in the remaining examples it is used as a noun content, meaning capacity.

The lines "Original! We're all as like each other as those dolls cut out of the same folded paper. We're like patterns stencilled on a wall. Can't you and I strike out for ourselves, May?" reflect which of the recurring themes of 20th and 21st century American literature?A) the desire for social equality for all members of society

B) the desire for freedom from the growing specter of world war

C) the desire to express individuality and not be ruled by society

D) the desire to reclaim the more ordered cultural past that had disappeared.



C) the desire to express individuality and not be ruled by society


The text shown in the question above reveals the willingness and the need to act in an original way, outside the standards formed and imposed by society. The speaker in the text above, states that we all act in a standardized way, everything we do is standardized which leaves us the same, without personality, as well as dolls cut out of a folded paper or drawings on the wall.

However, the speaker states that it is possible to fight against this standardization, at that moment, the speaker shows a common characteristic in American literature of the 20th and 21st century, which is the desire to express individuality and not be governed by society.


The desire to express individuality and not be ruled by sociaty.


I just took the test and got that answer 100% correct

How are the words enter and victor different


Final answer:

The words 'enter' and 'victor' are different in meaning, usage, and part of speech. 'Enter' is a verb signifying movement into a space while 'victor' is a noun referring to a winner.


The words 'enter' and 'victor' are different in terms of their meanings, parts of speech, and usage. 'Enter' is a verb that means to go or come into a place. For example, you enter a room. On the other hand, 'victor' is a noun that refers to a person who defeats an opponent in a battle, game, or other competition. For instance, in a race, the person who finishes first is the victor. Thus, these words vary in their function in a sentence and their semantic significance.

Learn more about Difference Between Words here:


In the Lightning Thief who was the one struggling for power


In the book, there where a few characters that you can say were struggling for power. One person I would say before everyone would be Luke. His constant training and all his experience would make him fit the discretion also at the end he turned out to be the true lightning thief. Another would be Kronos, although he isn't mentioned until the end of the book, he was the one manipulating everyone's thought and turning the good bad. He gave Luke the idea to steal the master bolt.  So either of the two could be the answer. Hope I helped. :)
Luke was, he wanted what he wanted without thinking about this bigger picture, he was blood thirsty as well as selfish.He struggles through out the series.