The difference is that a fact uses examples based off of something that has happened or something that supports the fact. And opinion is something that is biased.
- fact - The sky is blue
- Opinion - The sky is pretty
A fact is something that can be proven true and an opinion is something that you think, it doesn't have to be right and is more of a preference. In summary, fact is objective reality and opinion is a subjective statement.
FACT "Pringles aren't actually potato chips." OBJECTIVEREALITY - Pringles aren't made of sliced potatoes, they're made from dehydrated potato flakes pressed together to make a parabolic shape.
OPINION "George Crum's original potato chips were probably better than the ones made today." SUBJECTIVEREALITY - Whoever says this has probably never found a potato chip they liked, and doesn't know that he created them by accident, and they were probably burnt so they didn't taste as good.
Hope this helps. HAVE A BLESSED AND WONDERFUL DAY! As well as a great Valentines Day and Black History Month! :-)
- Cutiepatutie ☺❀❤
Make sure that the parents don't spoil them as a child, so that when they becoming a teenager, they won't expect to be living a life with luxury and not having to work for it. Being positive and hopeful about a teens behaviour is better than putting them down and give them strict behavioral expectations. In addition to that, it is better to keep them motivated to do good, not tell them that their behaviour is bad and they will never change, encouraging them to be a good person and have good behaviour is what they should do.
P.S I'm 14 so I don't rlly know if i was that helpful-
(UNDERLINED IS I wrote the number on a notepad )
Home -
the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.: