25. What are the most relevant cultural values affecting the consumption of each of the following? Describe how and why these values are particularly important. a. Internet b. Video games/consoles c. Milk d. Fast food e. Luxury cars f. Cell phones


Answer 1


Explanation:INTERNET - one cultural value affecting the use of internet is MORALITY.most parents are particular about how their children use the internet although the monitoring has not been a total success but at least it has reduced the rate at the young people misuse the internet(2)HARDWORK is a value that has affected the consumption of video games. parents don't want their to lazy around and this has helped to make more youths responsible(3)The fair of obesity has prevented most people from taken much milk,HEALTH awareness has made that achievable and that's fair enough (4)TIME MANAGEMENT is a value that has affected he patronage of fast food joint.. People who can manage their time will rather not use fast food (5)RESPONSIBLE SPENDING/BUDGETING has affected the consumption of luxury cars and phones and that has made people cultivated good saving habit

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Modernization of society


Marx and Freud were known as Psychologists and they believed that the downfall of religion would lead to the secularization of society. Secularization involves a decrease in religious importance or impact on the society as a whole.

They believed that the secularization will be as a result of the modernization of the society which involves change from an traditional society to a modern one.

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In the cartoon, the weapons and the soldiers represent the desecration of womanhood by men with socially-imposed restrictions.  This is the level to which men have reduced women in some societies, the level of oppressed servitude.


The cartoon depicting a general or monarch on a carriage suspended under the body of a woman in chains with two other soldiers on the two sides is an epitome of wickedness.  It shows the burdens to which women are generally subjected to in our societies.  Who are the perpetrators of such evil?  Do they have some heart of flesh?  And this questions the love that is shared by both sexes.  Is it true love or satisfaction of passionate lust?

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The Romans came to Britain looking for riches, land, slaves and most of Britain's metal. 1. They were angry with Britain for helping the French battle against strong and mighty emperor Julius Caesar. ... They wanted lots of riches and land.

After teaching parenting classes, Joel then asks the parents to remember a simple self-instruction they can use to guide their behavior in the home to make it more likely they will use the parenting skills. What strategy to promote generalization is illustrated in this example



c) Modifying contingencies of reinforcement and punishment in the natural environment.


According to a different source, these are the options that come with this question:

a) Reinforcing occurrences of generalization.

b) Training skills that contact natural contingencies of reinforcement.

c) Modifying contingencies of reinforcement and punishment in the natural environment.

d) Incorporating a wide range of relevant stimulus situations in training.

Contingencies of reinforcement are antecedents (events that occur immediately before a behaviour) and consequences (occur after a behaviour). In particular, contingencies refer to the relationships between these situations, while reinforcement refers to consequences that increase the probability of the behaviour occurring again. In this example, by modifying the contingencies of reinforcement and punishment, Joel is allowing parents to practice, thus ensuring that generalization is promoted.

Which statement BEST explains why the “divine right of kings” theory conflicted with the idea of a social contract? A.
The divine right of kings theory bound people to a religion, which, according to Rousseau and Locke, went against natural law.
Social contracts required the consent of every individual in society, which meant kings had to obey the will of the majority.
Because divine right of kings awarded absolute power to monarchs as leaders of society, there could not be a true consent of the people.
As a purely Catholic idea, the divine right of kings theory conflicted with the Protestant theory of a social contract.








I did it on edge.

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