What is the acceleration due to gravity of a feather? Is it smaller than that of an iron ball?


Answer 1

A hammer and a feather will fall with the same constant acceleration if air resistance is considered negligible. This is a general characteristic of gravity not unique to Earth, as astronaut David R. Scott demonstrated on the Moon in 1971, where the acceleration due to gravity is only 1.67 m/s2.

Answer 2

Final answer:

The acceleration due to gravity is the same for all objects near the surface of the Earth, regardless of their mass. The effect of air resistance may make it appear that the acceleration of a feather is smaller than that of an iron ball.


Acceleration due to gravity refers to the rate at which an object falls toward the Earth under the influence of gravity. The value of acceleration due to gravity varies depending on the location and mass of the object.

In general, the acceleration due to gravity is the same for all objects near the surface of the Earth, regardless of their mass. This means that the acceleration due to gravity of a feather is the same as that of an iron ball. However, due to the difference in air resistance, a feather will experience a much smaller net force compared to an iron ball, which may give the illusion of a slower acceleration.

Therefore, the acceleration due to gravity of a feather is not smaller than that of an iron ball, but the effect of air resistance makes it appear so.

Learn more about acceleration due to gravity here:



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The birds can glide in the air without moving their wings by maintaining the thrust of the air by their weight and move downward at a very slower rate.

Further Explanation:

The birds have a capability of flying high in the air without flapping their wings and still not falling down rather they glide downwards due to the up thrust of the air. This technique of the birds to keep them in the air without flapping their wings is termed as soaring.

The soaring birds make use of the air current and its thrust on their primary wings so that there is no turbulence experienced by them due to the pointed tips of their primary wings.

The birds should possess some mass in order to maintain a balance between the thrust and the weight of their body. That’s why the small birds are not able to maintain their flight but the bigger birds like vulture, eagle etc. experience sufficient air drag in order tio maintain their flight.

Thus, the birds can glide in the air without moving their wings by maintaining the thrust of the air by their weight and move downward at a very slower rate.

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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Physics

Chapter: Up thrust

Keywords:  Airborne, flapping wings, birds, soaring, vultures, weight, maintain flight, gliding, move downward, turbulence, primary wings.

They're riding on thermals, these are rising columns of air caused by the uneven heating of Earth's surface from solar radiation.

Hope this helped!

Drag each statement to the correct location on the chart. Classify the events as being a cause or an effect of pollution. urbanization oil spill smog desertification deforestation leaky landfill contaminated water



Urbanization, oil spill, leaky landfill and deforestation are causes of pollution while desertification, smog, contaminated water are the effects of pollution.


Urbanization is generally associated with an increase in the number of industries. The waste materials in different forms from the factories pollute air, water and soil.

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Deforestation increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.  Oil spills usually occur in oceans and seas and it causes water pollution and threatens aquatic life.



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These clouds appear long, flat, and spread across the sky.Cirrus


Stratus –layered or sheet like, low (50 - 6500 feet)Cumulus – puffy cotton balls, vertical developmentNimbus – dark and rainyCirrus – feather-like, high (20 000 feet)Alto – medium altitude (6500 - 20 000 feet)
I think the answer is Cirrus. They are flat feathery clouds that usually stretch long distances over the sky.