When you move or size a control in the Form Designer, Visual Studio automatically adjusts the properties that specify the location and size of the control.
int main()
int A1= {5,3,4,8,9,0,7};
int SArri1 = sizeof(A1);
printf("Original array: ");
for (int i=0; i < SArri1;i++)
printf("", A1[i] );
int i, sum = 20, n= 0;
printf("\nArray pairs whose sum equal to 20: ");
for (int i=0; i<SArri1; i++)
for (int j=i+1; j<SArri1; j++)
if (A1[i]+A1[j] == sum)
Printf(ā\nā, array1[i])
printf("\nNumber of pairs whose sum equal to 20: ",n)
return 0;
First of all, you should create the array of integers, and put random numbers. Then you have to save in a constant the size of the array (in this code is called SArr1) With a for you can print all the numbers that are on the array because then you will print all array pairs whose sum is equal to a specified numer. in this code we are going to use 20.
then with a condition (if) you are going to compare one of number of the array with all the others and check if its equal to 20. If yes, it going to print the numbers that answer to that condition and it's going to add +1 to the variable n (for this you will need to use two bucles for)
Then you can print the number of pairs whose sum is equal to 20 by printing n
>>>lst = [4, 1, 2, -1]
Here is code in Python:
#function to swap first and last element of the list
#and calculate product of all elements of list
def fun3(e):
product = 1
temp = e[0]
e[0] = e[-1]
e[-1] = temp
for a in e:
product *= a
return product
#create a list
inp_lst = [4, 1, 2, -1]
#call the fun3() with parameter inp_lst
print("product of all elements of list is: ",fun3(inp_lst))
#print the list after swapping
print("list after swapping first and last element: ",inp_lst)
Create a list "inp_lst" and initialize it with [4,1,2,-1]. In the function fun3() pass a list parameter "e". create a variable "product" to calculate the product of all elements.Also create a temporary variable to swap the first and last element of the list.
product of all elements of list is: -8
list after swaping first and last element: [-1, 1, 2, 4]
A firewall is either software or dedicated hardware that exists between the network and the resource being protected. this network security device monitors traffic to or from the network. It is based on set of rules about what data packets will be allowed to enter or leave a network.
Answer is C. Change their passwords on a regular basis.
JTextField is a Swing control which can be used for user input or display of output. It corresponds to a textfield and can be included with other controls such as JLabel, JButton,JList etc. on a comprehensive user interface which is application dependent. JTextField supports a read-write mode where the user can enter a value and it also supports a read-only mode which can be used to display non-editable output to the user.