In the U.S., the history of ethical regulations in human subjects research began with the ________. Nuremberg Code Declaration of Helsinki Belmont Report Common Rule


Answer 1

Answer:Nuremberg code


On the account of this code the three principles discussed in the belmont report are respect for persons, beneficence and justice.

Answer 2

Final answer:

The ethical regulations in human subjects research in the U.S. began with the Nuremberg Code, followed by the development of IRBs and requirements like informed consent to protect participants in research studies.


In the U.S., the history of ethical regulations in human subjects research began with the Nuremberg Code. This set of guidelines was developed in response to the atrocities conducted by Nazi physicians during World War II. As ethical concerns in research arose, particularly highlighted by tragic studies such as the Tuskegee syphilis study, further regulations and the establishment of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) were implemented. These boards are responsible for protecting the rights and welfare of research participants, ensuring ethical practices such as informed consent, minimizing risks, respecting the autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice principles in human research.

Learn more about Ethical Regulations here:


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I believe the answer is: They provide legal protection for rescuers.

Good samaritan law provide a legal protection for people if they're in the process of helping other people in need or crisis.

For example, under normal circumstance , breaking into other people's home is considered as illegal.
But, if you break into their home because you see that their house on fire and you want to save the people inside, you're protected under the Samaritan law.

They provide legal protection for rescuers. This law protects him from any wrong doing if he helps a person in distress.

They are meant to encourage responsible people to offer aid to accident victims. Since it protects them against any legal action, it lessens their fear to help someone in peril.

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