Devise a serial dilution scheme to prepare 1/20, 1/40, and 1/80 dilutions of a disinfectant


Answer 1


The serial dilution can be done by half- logarithmic dilution method.


  • This is also called the Ten-fold dilution method.
  • The process involves the following steps, and the volumes represented are arbitrary.
  1. From the concentrated solution of the disinfectant take 1 ml of disinfectant in a falcon tube. 9 ml of water is added to that. Here we get a solution which is  (1)/(10) diluted.
  2. Take 1 ml of the above (1)/(10) diluted solution in another falcon and add 9 ml of water to it. Here we will get a solution which is  (1)/(20) diluted.
  3. Take 1 ml of the above (1)/(20) diluted solution in another falcon and add 9 ml of water to it. Here we will get a solution which is  (1)/(40) diluted.
  4. Take 1 ml of the above (1)/(40) diluted solution in another falcon and add 9 ml of water to it. Here we will get a solution which is  (1)/(80) diluted.

Answer 2

Final answer:

To prepare a serial dilution, you start with the stock solution and dilute it step-by-step. For a 1/20 dilution, take 1 part solution and add 19 parts solvent. For a 1/40 dilution, dilute the 1/20 solution further by taking 1 part of the 1/20 dilution and adding 1 part solvent. Similarly, for a 1/80 dilution, take 1 part of the 1/40 dilution and add 1 part solvent.


To prepare a serial dilution, you start out with a stock solution (in this case, the disinfectant) and dilute it step by step. To prepare the 1/20 dilution, you take 1 part stock solution and add 19 parts solvent. Then for a 1/40 dilution, you can dilute the 1/20 solution by a further factor of 2: take 1 part of the 1/20 dilution and add 1 part solvent. The same principle applies for the 1/80 dilution: take 1 part of the 1/40 dilution and add 1 part solvent, or you could take 1 part of the original stock solution to 79 parts of solvent.

Learn more about Serial Dilution here:


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according to David Chan,

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Learn more about desert plants, here:


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i did it on study island

Kemukakan beberapa pendapat kamu tentang kitab kitab allah swt. sebelum al-quran


Some of the holy book of Allah SWT before the Qur'an are the Tawra revealed to Musa (Moses), the Zabur revealed to Dawud (David), the Injil revealed to Isa (Jesus)

Further explanation

The Islamic religion views is that God, who is above all merciful, constantly sends prophets and apostles to remind humans of God's "straight path". And also to reminds the distinction between permitted (halal) and prohibited (haram)

The Quran was orally revealed by God to the final Prophet, Muhammad, through the archangel Gabriel (Jibril). The Holy Quran, is the last book of Allah (SWT) conveying the message of kindness, absolution and peace for human kind.

Some of the holy book of Allah SWT before the Qur'an are the Tawra (Torah or the Law) revealed to Musa (Moses), the Zabur (Mizmor/Zemirot or Psalms) revealed to Dawud (David), the Injil (Euangélion/Ewwangelliwon or the Gospel) revealed to Isa (Jesus)

The word Torah occurs eighteen times and the name of Moses is mentioned 136 times in the Quran. Whereas Zabur occurs three times in the Qur'an (4, 163; 17, 55; 21, 105), and the word Injil occurs twelve times in the Qur'an and refers to the revelation transmitted by Isa.

Learn more

  1. Learn more about the holy book of Allah SWT

Answer details

Grade:  9

Subject: Islamic religion

Chapter:  holy book of Allah SWT

Keywords:  holy book of Allah SWT

Allah mengutus quran sebagai bukti dan mukjizat bagi orang yang percaya untuk melihat. Juga untuk orang-orang yang tidak mahu mengakui bahawa Allah adalah satu-satunya tuhan. Ini adalah kepercayaan orang-orang Islam. Itulah sebabnya Allah memanggil mereka " Ayat " kerana mereka adalah mukjizat daripada orang -orang yang beriman.