In Knight, Death, and the Devil, the mounted Christian knight displays a monumental strength and character reminiscent of which of the following Italian artists?
to practice their religion
b. lead the republic, Antony.
c. end Cimber's brother's banishment, Cassius.
d. bathe his hands in Caesar's blood, the people.
French and Portuguese merchants divided up India in the 1500s
India became independent after World War II
the British gained control of India in the 18th and 19th centuries
The original split between Sunni and Shi happened shortly after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. The Sunni people are considered as the orthodox branch of Islam, traditionally led by Ahl-al-Sunnah, which means people of tradition. They are guided by tradition and put it first. Shia emphasize learning by the successors of Muhammad.
After the first caliphates, after Muhammad's death, there was a dispute over who would manage caliphate, be caliph. The Caliphates were centers of political and religious power. The Sunnis had a stance, guided by the tradition, that any Muslim who proved to be capable could be a caliph, while Shia claimed that only the successors of Muhammad can be caliphs, those who are related to him.