Read the excerpts. “Broken Chain” Alfonso sat on the porch trying to push his crooked teeth to where he thought they belonged. He hated the way he looked. Last week he did fifty sit-ups a day, thinking that he would burn those already apparent ripples on his stomach to even deeper ripples, dark ones, so when he went swimming at the canal next summer, girls in cutoffs would notice. And the guys would think he was tough, someone who could take a punch and give it back. “Fish Cheeks” I fell in love with the minister’s son the winter I turned fourteen. He was not Chinese, but as white as Mary in the manger. For Christmas I prayed for this blond-haired boy, Robert, and a slim new American nose. When I found out that my parents had invited the minister’s family over for Christmas Eve dinner, I cried. What would Robert think of our shabby Chinese Christmas? What would he think of our noisy Chinese relatives who lacked proper American manners? What terrible disappointment would he feel upon seeing not a roasted turkey and sweet potatoes but Chinese food? Which text evidence from the essay and short story best supports the theme that people often care what others think about them? “He hated the way he looked.” “I fell in love with the minister’s son the winter I turned fourteen.” “Last week he did fifty sit-ups a day” “He was not Chinese, but as white as Mary in the manger.” “He wanted “cuts” like those he had seen on a calendar of an Aztec warrior” “For Christmas I prayed for . . . a slim new American nose.” “so when he went swimming . . . next summer, girls in cutoffs would notice.” “What would Robert think of our shabby Chinese Christmas?”


Answer 1

"So when I went swimming... next summer, girl in cutoffs would notice."


This is the correct answer because it clearly shows why Robert tried to look good, to impress the ladies. Because he cared so much about what the girls thought of him he worked out. It clearly shows who he is trying to impress.

Answer 2

The Answer is A

I have no explanation

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Answer: The word could be "weak".

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Add -es, like bosses, bushes, punches, sexes, or puzzles.
I hope I helped! =D

In "Charles," why is Laurie's mother so eager to go to the P.T.A. meeting? A. She wants to apologize to Laurie's teacher for her son's behavior. B. She wants to spend some time with Charles. C. She wants to see if Laurie can be moved into a different class. D. She wants to find Charles's mother and talk to her.


D. She wants to find Charles's mother and talk to her.
Laurie's mother wants to meet Charles's mother since Laurie talks about Charles's bad behavior all the time.


The answer is D!


Nagel’s argument that hostility or aggression should be directed at its true object means that which of the following would probably not be permissible? (Points : 1)Torturing a prisoner to get the names of his confederates.
Attacking an enemy country’s agricultural system.
Bombing major cultural centers.
All of the above.


I would say: all of the above.

In the first case: if the prisoner didn't do anything wrong, then they should not be tortured for information.

In the remaining cases: this would mean destroying agriculture and culture of the enemy, not their military, yet it is the military that is probably the true object.

When the water level of a stream or river exceeds its natural banks, it has reached itsa. flood stage.
b. plateau.
c. capacity.
d. crest.


(a) Flood stage; Flood stage is the level at which a body of water's surface has risen to a sufficient level to cause sufficient inundation of areas that are not normally covered by water, causing an inconvenience or a threat to life and/or property.