What problems did the Roman expansion cause for the Republic


Answer 1


The gap between the rich and the poor grew. Large wealthy landowners took over the "abandoned" farms of those serving in the military. These soldiers came back and found that they had no land. They were basically homeless. Without land, they had no basis for earning a living and no say in the government. Without farms to earn an income, these men could fall into debt. This could lead to becoming slaves of the landowners. When the next census was held, they might even lose their citizenship if they didn't own Roman property. Citizenship was an important factor in the government of the republic. Citizens were expected to perform certain civic duties, such as voting. Without citizenship, the people would lose their voice.


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The correct answer is - C. it is by far the largest country in the world.

Russia is by far the largest country in the world by territory. It has 17.1 million square kilometers, and that is more than 7.1 million square kilometers of the second placed Canada.




Russia has a total landmass of 17 million km

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Answer by YourHope:

Hi! ^-^

According to newton's first law of motion, FRICTION is required to make an object slow down!

I hope you have a BEAUTIFUL day~

According to Newton's first law of motion, a force equal to the force keeping the object at rest, but in the opposite direction is what's required to slow an object down.

Newton's First Law of Motion claims: "An object in motion will, in the absence of forces, tend to remain in motion with neither the speed nor direction changing"

Most things on earth tend to actually slow down AND THEN proceed to stop. However; when we consider the situation alone, we can see that there are lots of forces tending to slow the object/s down. Like, friction. Or air resistance.

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It was composed of gold and silver, the silver lining the inside of the crown and the gold plate on the outside.


Answer: He uses the principle of buoyancy:>


Archimedes determined the composition of King Hiero II's crown by using the principle of buoyancy. He immersed the crown and an equivalent amount of pure gold in water and found that the crown displaced more water, indicating that it had been adulterated with less dense materials, such as silver, which made it less pure than gold.



Maybe the most understood and enduring bit of Constantine's political portfolio is the 325 Chamber of Nicaea, a social occasion of around 300 clerics issuing an official articulation confirming Jesus Christ as totally celestial. This announcement of confidence is known as the forerunner to today's still popular Nicene Statement of faith. Indeed, Constantine put his political weight behind this belief, and the world still feels his impact. For example, I live in a somewhat residential community, yet I wouldn't need to go extremely far on a Sunday morning before I'd keep running into a Christian church showing the Nicene Statement of faith or citing it as an assemblage.