C. Social validity of the behavior
Behavioral analysis is a global approach to the experimental study of the behavior of organisms. Its main objectives are the discovery of the principles and laws which govern behavior as well as the extension of these principles to all living species. Applied behavior analysis is a branch of behavior analysis that uses the principles of behavior to solve practical problems in everyday life. This consists of observing a person's behavior in terms of stimuli (behavioralism), rather than investigating their thoughts, in order to:
to help him with advice, but also by acting on stimuli (ex: reward / sanction),
to avoid harmful behavior.
sometimes also to condition him to act in a direction that does not correspond to his interests,
or to put it out of harm's way (criminal profiling).
But often, behavioral profiling is used by psychologists, psychiatrists, ... to understand their patients and identify their problems in order to help manage their discomfort. Some people study profiling for a purely personal purpose (generally social) to favor or disadvantage relationships of whatever type (friendships, rivalries, ...)
The Northern Ireland Inter-Faith Forum, in keeping with other interfaith movements around the world, exists in order to encourage understanding and mutual respect between persons and groups from different religion and belief backgrounds. We have been concerned at recent statements made via the media which display negative and unsympathetic attitudes towards members of minority faith communities and challenge their rights as citizens in this society. We recognize that this is in part due to ignorance and limited educational opportunities to learn about our culturally diverse society, but we also acknowledge with deep regret the influence of international events that appear to promote exclusive forms of nationalism. At their worst these influences often result in racist and sectarian smears and sometimes in criminal activity such as attacks on mosques or synagogues or graveyards, or on people’s homes.
The loss of all English-held territory in France except Calais. A high number of casualties amongst the nobility, particularly in France. A decline in trade, especially English wool and Gascon wine. A great wave of taxes to pay for the war which contributed to social unrest in both countries
They built a powerful army to defend the empire.
They allowed conquered people to elect rulers.
They forced conquered people to use their language.
They forced their religion on conquered people.
The Inca Empire (also known as the Incan Empire) and the Inka Empire were and are the largest empires in pre-Columbian America.
Option B is the way how Inca unified their empire.
For more information about the Inca empire, refer below:
Sedimentary rock
Igneous basalt rock
Metamorphic rock
sedimentary rocks do