it broadened its scope beyond just a single area of concern.
Green Party is a political party that is organized on the guiding principles of social justice, peace and non-violence, grass-roots democracy and environmentalism. It promotes the idea of world peace and stress on the four issues mentioned above to achieve their goal. The members of the party see these issues are interrelated to each other. It is the fourth largest party in the United States of America.
In 1994, there was fear of a military uprising in Mexico, resulting in the Zapatista guerrilla army led by Subcommandante Marcos waging war against the government in Chiapas. Additionally, the rise of drug cartels and their associated violence caused some concern among the people. The government also faced criticism due to allegations of fraud during the election that year. The murder of 45 indigenous activists and the violent suppression of protests during the Zapatista uprising also strained the country's democratic stability.
Dr. Fletcher's research to determine whether adult criminals were rule-breakers throughout their childhood or not is most concerned with the issue of continuity-discontinuity in human development. Continuity and discontinuity are theories of human developmental psychology. Continuity states that adult behavior can be traced back to childhood behavior. On the contrary, the discontinuity theory states that changes occur suddenly in human behavior.
I think it would be D...
b. burning fossil fuels
c. cloud-seeding by airplanes
B. burning fossil fuels
Answer: Gross motor skills
Gross motor skills are the physical activities that involves the movement of complete body. It is usually gained during the childhood to perform motor activities through learning.
Muscles and torso are used for doing gross motor activities.Walking, running, walking on stairs, jumping, swimming, rope skipping etc are the play and acts that children tend to perform with their skill easily.