In addition to vocalization, a mother sea lion locate her pup using a variety of behavioral signals such as moving inside their colony, returning to a familiar location within the colony where she frequented to feed her pup, visual cues and olfactory cues like smelling the approaching pups.
Sea Lions belong to the scientific order Pinnipedia and the family Otariidae. They can walk on all fours on land by rotating their pelvic girdle under their body and also use their front flippers to move in the water. During their breeding and pupping (birthing) time, they gather in groups called rookeries. They can communicate through vocalizations (barks, growls, and grunts) both on land and in water.
After the return of mother sea lions to the rookery from their searching for food (foraging), the mother-pup pairs identify and locate each other through the exchange of vocalizations. In addition to vocalization, the mothers often return to a home spot (familiar location within their colony where a female frequented to feed her pup), move inside the colony and also use visual and olfactory cues like smelling the approaching pups to correctly identify their pup. Also, the return of the mother to a familiar home spot provides the pup with spatial and geographical memory cues.
A B 122
A b 118
a B 81
a b 79
Test the hypothesis that these genes are assorting inde-
pendently using a chi-square test. Explain tentatively any
deviation from expected values, and tell how you would
test your explanation.
In case of the genes that assort independently in a test cross, the phenotypic ratio is 1: 1: 1: 1. In the given case, the total number of phenotypes is 400, thus, every phenotype should be 100 each. Since that is not the case, it may be concluded that the genes are not assorting independently.
Thus, to determine the chi-square = (observed-expected)^2 / expected.
By putting the values, we get the values of chi-square as
AB = 4.84
Ab = 3.24
aB = 3.61
ab = 4.41
Thus, the chi-square value will be the addition of the individual values that comes out to be 16.1. Here there are three degrees of freedom (Number of classes-1). Observing at the P table, this puts the value of P < 0.005.
A large chi-square value suggests that independent assortment actually did not occur as the expected and the observed values were very distinct.
The 2 types of behavioral adaptation are migration, and hibernation.
Adaptation of animal is the fitness towards its environment. If an animal can't adapt, it will perish with time. Adaptation may be genetic or acquired. But basically, adaptation is 2 types - physical adaptation, and behavioral adaptation.
Physical adaptation includes the coloring of the body, camouflage activity of an organism. The behavioral adaptation is the respond of the organisms to their habitat. This includes hibernation, estivation, migration, etc.
Some animals are affected by the temperature difference of the environment. Therefore, they adopt some methods to survive in extreme temperatures.
The cold-blooded like amphibians hibernate during winter. They undergo a long sleep during cold weather and become active in summer. Similarly some animals like desert lizard active in the morning. When the temperature increase they burrow themselves under the ground. This is called estivation.
Birds migrate during the adverse season i.e. in winter. They temporarily go to a different place to spend the cold month and return during the advent of summer. This is one type of behavioral adaptation. They also migrate for better breeding ground and food.
Some fishes also migrate for breeding and food.
If you were looking at a multicellular organism through a microscope, you would be looking at a eukaryotic organism, as all multicellular organisms are eukaryotes. Prokaryotes, such as bacteria, are unicellular organisms and do not have a true nucleus or membrane-bound organelles.
Eukaryotic organisms, on the other hand, have a true nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and lysosomes. These organelles allow eukaryotic cells to carry out more complex functions and processes than prokaryotic cells.
To determine whether an organism is prokaryotic or eukaryotic, you can look for the presence or absence of certain features. For example, eukaryotic cells are typically larger and more complex than prokaryotic cells, and they often have a variety of organelles visible under a microscope. Eukaryotic cells also have a cytoskeleton that helps maintain their shape and allows for movement, whereas prokaryotic cells do not.
Additionally, eukaryotic cells have linear chromosomes that are enclosed within a nucleus, whereas prokaryotic cells have a single circular chromosome located in the cytoplasm.
Learn more about eukaryotic organisms at :
During the process of photosynthesis energy combined with water and oxygen produces glucose
During the process of Photosynthesis Carbon Dioxide and Water are combined to form Glucose and Oxygen.