All of the following are used to classify stars exceptsize


Answer 1
Answer: This correct answer is Shape :)

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Plants use different structures and processes to create offspring. Sphagnum spp. is a type of moss typically found in peat bogs. As Sphagnum spp. dies and decays, it creates peat moss. Peat moss is a type of organic matter popular in gardening due to its ability to absorb and hold moisture. Adding peat moss to soil can help create better growing conditions for plants. Which structure is part of Sphagnum spp. reproduction, but not part of fern reproduction?

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B. gametophyte
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Bears and coyotes both consume large plant-eating mammals such as deer. When the deer are in short supply, bears and coyotes may fight over the prey. This type of biological interaction is called


This is competition among predators.




Hope it helps.