Example of a persian shah and explane his duties and achievements​


Answer 1


A "persian shah" is an Arab leader or ruler, "Shah" actually means "king", it's kind of a tittle granted to a sovereign of Iran and some other near places in the region; the one considered to be the strongest one was Shāh Abbās, aka Abbas the Great, from the Safavid dynasty; among his duties, to be in charge and manage the Empire, control the army and keep the hegemony; during his reign Persian Art reached a high point, and he promoted commerce in the region; another achievement was the strengthening of the Safavid dynasty and the oust of the Ottomans and Uzbeks from persian territories.

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Understanding key TermsIntroduction: Match each term with its definition
A political concept where power is held
by a single leader or elite group
An extreme form of authoritarianism that
tries to control citizens' lives
A movement created by Mussolini that
favored conquering an empire
Members of a fascist organization in
Italy, named for their uniform
A set of ideas and beliefs that shape a
political system



Totalitarianism: A political concept where power is held  by a single leader or elite group.

Authoritarianism: An extreme form of authoritarianism that  tries to control citizens' lives.

Ideology: A set of ideas and beliefs that shape a  political system.

Fascism: A movement created by Mussolini that  favored conquering an empire  Members of a fascist organization in  Italy, named for their uniform  Blackshirts.


Totalitarianism is known to the political system characterized by total control of the life of citizens by the government or regime. Among the restrictions imposed are civil liberties, such as free expression, individual liberties, and public liberties. For this reason, it is considered an extreme form of authoritarianism. North Korea is An example of a totalitarian political system.

Authoritarianism is known as the political system where civil liberties are limited by a strong central powder. There is also little opportunity for political and cultural participation by citizens. Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Libya are examples of authoritarian countries.

An ideology is a set of ideas and beliefs that are shared by a group of people. For example, there are political, social and cultural ideologies.

The fascism is a political movement imposed in Italy by Benito Mussolini, this political system is undemocratic and totalitarian, the system restricts all civil liberties of its citizens and is imposed by a dictator.

I hope this information can help you.


Authoritarianism: A political concept where power is held..

Fascism: A movement created by Mussolini..

Ideology: A set of ideas and beliefs..

Blackshirts: Members of a fascist organization..

Totalitarianism: An extreme form of authoritarianism..


Correct on edge

How did geography affect migration, cultural development, and trade in Africa?


The geographical features effected this development a lot with rivers and trade countries. For one the Congo, the Niger and the Zambezi river were major trade routes which traders from other countries could use to import goods and trade with Africa. Africa was is also surrounded by the major trade countries of Europe and Asia. Africa soon started doing a lot of trading thus being shaped by other traders around them.
africa had a lot of deserts that made trade harder so the cultures of africa even if close by weren't that similar 

PLS SOLVE I WILL MARK THE BRAINLIEST ANSWER!!! Q1) Give reasons for the following statements.

a) Alexander’s vision made him a great leader.

b) A strong army resulted in Alexander’s failure.



Alexander was a visionary, said Abernethy. His ability to dream, plan and strategize on a large scale allowed him to win many battles, even when he was outnumbered. It also helped motivate his men, who knew they were part of one of the greatest conquests in history.

How did pictograph differ from an ideograph


Pictographs resemble what they mean. For example, a pictograph of "Tiger" would be more or less recognizable as the image of a tiger crudely drawn. 
Ideographs do not resemble what they mean. However, Ideographs can resemble one another (i.e. the ideograph of "Tiger" may resemble the ideograph of "Lion", but neither would resemble a Tiger or Lion crudely drawn). Ideographs can also steal phonetic pieces (i.e. The ideograph for "Shipping" may have the ideograph for "ping" in it since "ping" is phonetically part of "Shipping"). Finally Ideographs can be composed of multiple minor ideographs working in concert (i.e. "Archer" may be written as combination of "bow" and "man" since the Archer is man who uses a bow). None of the combination-elements are present in pictographs.

Hoover helped to push the act through Congress in 1924 the first of its kind


In 1924, J.E. Hoover was appointed by the US Congress as the first chief of the Bureau of Investigation of the US, the predecessor of the FBI that was oficially founded in 1935. He continued as director during 37 years until his death.

He is a controversial figure. On one hand, he managed to construct and administer a huge crime-figthing agency with modernized police mechanisms. On the other hand, some evidence has been collected over the years that proves that at some points he exceeded the functions he was supposed to perform, exercising an unlimited control from his intimidating position, that reached even the figure of the President.

The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Hoover helped to push the Pollution Act through Congress in 1924, the first of its kind.

Herbert Hoover was the Secretary of Commerce during President's Calvin Coolidge administration. However, his personality and political presence exerted influence in other US political decisions. Hoover impulsed and supported the Pollution Act through Congress in 1924. He was known to be a good environmetalist, as he was the President of the National Parks Association. He also welcomed the idea of the radio as a mass media of communication.

Which of the following was true of American workers during the Hardingadministration?
A. Many joined unions because of unfair labor laws.
B. Many joined unions because of Fordism. A
C. Few joined unions because the economy was strong.
D. Few joined unions because there were no unions to join.



Few joined unions because the economy was strong.


Labor unions were meant to protect wages, but wages no longer needed to be protected once they were fair.

Final answer:

During the Harding administration, few American workers joined unions due to the strong economy and favorable pro-business policies.


During the Harding administration, few American workers joined unions because the economy was strong. Harding implemented pro-business policies that favored employers, such as lowering taxes and reducing regulations. As a result, the economy experienced rapid growth, leading to higher wages and improved working conditions, which reduced the need for labor unions.

Learn more about American workers during the Harding administration here:
