Answer:self directed learning model
self-directed learning refers to how we personally take a first step, without or with anyone's assistance, in determining our learning needs and therefore work on our learning goal. We then look for resources that we are going to need and choose methods that will be effective and efficient for our learning. Methods and strategies that will yield us success in our learning.
B)Christianity should be the basis of social reform.
C)laws shortening the workweek were unconstitutional.
D)child labor encouraged discipline and strong work ethic.
B) are closer to major urban areas
C) have large expansions of flat land
D) experience of frequent flooding
The third alternative is correct (C).
The mechanization of agriculture is the result of technological development and can be beneficial to the agroindustrial sector, since it can increase the productivity of the land. Unfortunately, this can increase unemployment, since the machines replace the workers.
However, mechanization of agriculture is indicated for environments where there is a flatter ground, where the machines can function properly.
b. early childhood development and services
c. administrative support
d. administration
b. Physical and Mental
B) Physical and Mental
There are five stages of human development: physical, mental or intellectual, emotional, social and moral. Each of these is in charge of different areas of development. In the case of the abilities to walk and talk the areas involved are physical (muscles, bones, etc) and mental (the brain process).