b: The king’s use of dialect suggests that he may not actually be a king and is simply posing as one.
Answer: hope
Answer: hope
MacCarthy most likely introduces John Service and Gustave Duran from the paragraphs 12 to 14 as he wished to prove that they both were communists and dignified men. He wanted to show that they were the assets to the country and to prove his point he offers a variety of evidences like Gustave's job at 'Communist International Brigade' and claims put forwards by John Service. He further substantiates his stand on both of them by asserting that Communism is a hope for the United States.
Answer: B) Paradox.
Explanation: A paradox is a logical puzzle that seems to contradict itself, a statement or proposition that leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory. The given sentence is a clear example of a paradox, because it says "I always lie" if the statement is true, that also means that is false (because the person is telling the true), and if the statement is false the person might or might not be telling the true.