This is an example of a mitigating factor.
In criminal law, a mitigating factor is an extenuating circumstance or condition that might lead the jury or judge to lessen a sentence or take into consideration because it explains in greater detail why a defendant might have committed a crime. The factor or circumstance usually makes it more understandable why the defendant took certain actions or why it is possible to have some sympathy or empathy for the defendant. An example would be if the defendant had been manipulated by someone else, for example, or if the crime was committed under duress of some sort, like being mandated to do something by your superiors at work.
What is the outcome an example of?
By signing an agreement to loan to Germany to repay for the first world war costs, Britain and France had to expect less and the discussion of disarmament.
American foreign policy was following the policy of "isolation" during 1920 but it is impossible for America to completely make itself withdraw from world affairs.
Because after the "first world war" United stated turned into a leading loan creditor state and helping those countries by lending loans who are destroyed due to the First World War.
There were two factors of promoting Disarmament during 1920, Many Americans believed that disarmament helps the world to prevent another world war, and the second Anglo-German naval rivalry is the reason for the First World War.
This question lacks options, options are:
A. clinical
B. personality
C. community
D. social
The correct anwer is A.
The intelligence and personality tests are validated scientific instruments, which allow to measure the intellectual capacity, aptitudes, abilities and competences of a person. Clinical psychology studies the elements that have some kind of incidence in psychological disorders or maladaptive behavior of people with the aim of restoring their psychological balance. Thus, the clinical psychologist is the one who is dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of abnormal behavior, one that involves a disorder for the person himself and / or for others.