Where would you expect to find the centre of gravity of a plastic ruler?


Answer 1


At center of ruler.


The center of gravity is defined as the point at which the object can be balanced. Due to different structure, weight and size, center of gravity changes from object to object.

In this case we have a plastic ruler which has a homogeneous structure, that means its weight is equally distributed through out. So its center of gravity must be at a point which is at equal distance from the both ends ( center ).

Answer 2
Answer: You would normally find the center of gravity in the middle of the ruler. Example: the ruler is 1 foot long, the center of the gravity would be a 6 inches.

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1.In what type of wave is the vibration perpendicular to the direction of travel of the wave. ____2.What type of wave vibrates p,arallel to the direction of travel? ______

3.What type of wave contains compressions and rarefactions? _____

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Q 1. In transverse waves the vibration is perpendicular to the direction of travel.

Q 2. In longitudinal waves the vibration is parallel to the direction of travel.

Q 3. Longitudinal waves contain compressions and rarefactions when they travel around.

Q 4.  A transverse wave is produced when you move one end of a

horizontal spring up and down.

Q 5.  Every type of wave has a wavelength.

1. The vibration is perpendicular to the direction of travel of transverse waves.

2. The vibration is parallel to the direction of travel of longitudinal waves.

3. Compression waves contain compressions and rarefactions.
They are longitudinal waves.

4.  You produce a transverse wave when you move one end of a
horizontal spring up and down.

5.  All waves have wavelengths.

A bird flies 2.8 due west and then 2.7 due north. Another bird flies 2.7 due west and 2.8 due north. What is the angle between the net displacement vectors for the two birds?


Assume a 2D plane and both the birds start at origin. +X is east, -X is west, +Y is North, -Y is South. 
So, after travel position of bird1 is (-2.8, 2.7) and bird2 is (-2.7,2.8);
slope of bird1 is 2.8/2.7
slope of bird2 is 2.7/2/8
Now we have two solpes b1 and b2
formula = (b2-b1)/(1+b1*b2);

Describe how the resistance of the filament lamp changes as the current through it increases.


This heats up when an electric current passes through it, and produces light as a result. The resistance of a lamp increases as the temperature of its filament increases. The current flowing through a filament lamp is not directly proportional to the voltage across it.

Which option is a scientifically accurate description of velocity? A. The golf pro missed the shot even though the ball was only one meter away from the cup.
B.With just two second left on the clock, the basketball player moved quickly down the court to sink the ball in the basket.
C.The skier traveled downhill along the 80-meter track to the finish line in just 3.5 seconds to win the competition.
D. After traveling at 120 kph for the entire 30-minute race, the racecar driver ended the race at the same point she started.


Choice-C is the closest to being a description of velocity,
but I also have problems with 'C'. 

In order to describe velocity, you need a speed and its direction.

'A' doesn't state either one.

'B' says "quickly", which I don't accept as a speed, and "down the court",
which I don't accept as a direction. 

'D' nicely describes the speed ... 120 kph.  But the only thing it
tells us about direction is that it must have changed during the
race, because that's the only way the driver could have ended
the race in the same place she started it from.

'C' gives us the skier's speed ... (80 meters) / (3.5 sec)  =  22.86 m/s .
It also tells us that his direction was always downhill and along the track.
I would have preferred a better description of the direction, but I can
have it if I'm willing to go there and measure the direction of the track
and the slope of the hill.  So it's all there in this choice, but you have to
dig for it.

the answer is choice C i took the test and i got it right good luck

The sun's apparent motion across the sky from East to West daily is due to theA) rotation of the sun.
B) rotation of the earth.
C) orbit of the earth around the sun.
D) orbit of the sun around the earth.


Rotation of the Earth contributes to the idea of the Sun setting and rising. The orbit of the Earth around the Sun results in the changing of seasons.