The National Liberation Front was led by Communists and supported by? south Vietnam north Vietnam or laos


Answer 1
Answer: it was led by north Vietnam
Answer 2
Answer: The National Liberation Front was led by Communists and supported by North Vietnam

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The major cause of "dead zones" in seas and oceans is?


The cause of such “hypoxic” (lacking oxygen) conditions is usually eutrophication, an increase in chemical nutrients in the water, leading to excessive blooms of algae that deplete underwater oxygen levels. 

Final answer:

Dead zones in seas and oceans are mainly caused by eutrophication, which is an excess of nutrients entering the water through human activities, leading to low-oxygen conditions where most marine life cannot survive.


The major cause of 'dead zones' in seas and oceans is primarily due to eutrophication, which is characterized by an excessive amount of nutrients, usually nitrogen and phosphorus, entering the water bodies. These nutrients primarily come from human activities, such as agricultural runoff, waste treatment plants, and fossil fuel emissions.

When these excess nutrients are available in the water, it leads to a rapid increase in the growth of algae in a process called algal bloom. When these algae die, they are broken down by bacteria through a process called decomposition. This decomposition process requires oxygen, leading to a significant decrease in the amount of dissolved oxygen available in the water. This creates a low-oxygen condition known as hypoxia. When the oxygen levels become exceedingly low, it results in dead zones where most marine life cannot survive.

Learn more about Dead Zones here:


Which of the following is an example of how nationalism played a role in sparking World War I? A. Serbs in Germany wanted to help Serbs in Serbia.B. Serbs in Russia wanted to help Serbs in Serbia.
C. Slavs in Russia wanted to help Slavs in Serbia.
D. Slavs in Germany wanted to help Slavs in Austria-Hungary.


The immediate cause of the outbreak of the First World War is the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. The reasons are, of course, much deeper, and the causes should be sought in the interests of the great powers, and the assassination was a trigger, by which Austria-Hungary announced the war to Serbia.  In addition to imperialism and militarism, the great contribution to war was given by nationalism.  Many ethnic groups within Austro-Hungary wanted autonomy and the creation of national states. The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was supported by nationalist organizations from Serbia who had an interest in the liberation of Serbs from Austro Hungary and their accession to Serbia. After the war was declared to Serbia by Austro-Hungary, Russia announces the war to Austria  wanting to help Serbia, then Germany announces the war to Russia.

The answer is C.

The following selection of an example of how nationalism played a role in sparking WWII was that Slavs in Russia wanted to help Slavs in Serbia.

The Hittite people were involved in ___A. Politics
B. Exploration
C. Trading
D. Education


D education hope this helps

Answer: trading


just did the assignment!

Two characteristics of agrarian societies were _____.


♥Rapid technological advances 
♥More rapid spread of disease
More leisure time because they were not constantly on the move and hunting for food and shelter, and a more disease as now people were coming in closer contact with each other in denser population centers.