Which of the following sentences correctly uses a semicolon?We were going to go to the movies; but Jason forgot his wallet.
The curtains were shredded and all over the room; my cat looked very guilty.
Do you know why we are here; me neither.
Once there was a very hungry troll; but he was very kind as well.


Answer 1
Answer: The sentence that correctly uses the punctuation mark, semicolon (;) is, "The curtains were shredded and all over the room; my cat looked very guilty." This is an example of a compound sentence. A compound sentence consists of two independent clauses. If we use a semicolon to separate the two independent clauses, then we do not have to use any conjunctions to connect both. 
Answer 2

The correct sentence using semicolon is the following: The curtains were shredded and all over the room; my cat looked very guilty.There're two independent clauses and an example of compound sentence.  Express a complete thought and have the same level of importance.

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Identify the appositive phrase.
Her car, a small two-door model, served her needs well.


The appositive phrase here is "a small two-door model".

You can recognize it easily because it is separated by commas and used to further describe the subject, in this case the car.

Which statement best describes the central conflict in Amy Tan's "Two kinds"?




It is a character vs. character conflict

Is the sentence simple, compound, or complex? Theresa brought us paper plates for our sandwiches. A. complex B. simple C. compound


I'm going to go with complex.

Complex sentences has an independent clause and a dependent clause. Your independent clause is: Teresa brought us paper plates. Dependent clause would be For our sandwiches. 

For a compound sentence to occur you would need two clauses to be joined together as one sentence. Usually one of the indications to a compound sentence is if there are either a semicolon, colon, a conjunction (...,and)  with a comma, a dash mark (ie -), a conjunction with a semicolon (...; but). Compound sentences have two or more independent clauses. complex sentence can have one or more dependent clauses (meaning they cannot stand alone.... more information is needed for the sentence to be complete and not sound like a fragment) and one independent clause (can stand alone... no more information is needed. The sentence is complete...not a fragment). 

Simple sentence has one independent clause. It is a complete sentence.

Hopefully this helped and good luck

Use a cliche and I sentence you create


"She is as busy as a bee" is an example of using a cliché in a sentence.

A cliché is a phrase or expression that has been overused to the point where it has lost its originality and impact. In the given sentence, "She is as busy as a bee," the phrase "as busy as a bee" is a cliché. It is a common idiom used to describe someone who is very busy and industrious, drawing a comparison to the industrious nature of bees.

However, due to its frequent use in various contexts, the phrase has become predictable and lacks freshness in creative writing or speech. Using clichés can weaken the impact of communication and reduce the overall effectiveness of the message. Writers and speakers are encouraged to use original and imaginative language to convey their ideas effectively.

To know more about cliché , click here.



------------The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

"What is an example of using a cliche in a sentence?"---------------

Example cliche, "You must be grateful. There are still many more unlucky ones "

Further Explanation

Cliché or cliché is a phrase that is commonly used and is too often used or repeated so that it loses its original meaning or message so that it feels stale by some parties.

The use of cliché in our daily writing or speech can show our understanding of English which is a foreign language. However, in making work, it helps us put fewer cliche sentences to make our writing more unique and original.

Various types of cliches or cliches

  • The first is the cliché which is often found in British English, namely "What goes around comes back around" which means, everything that is done — good or bad — has its own consequences. If we do good, we will get good too; and if we commit a crime, we will also receive a similar reward.
  • Furthermore, a cliché that we may often encounter is "the list goes on". The meaning of the sentence is "etc.", which is used as closing when giving some examples of things. In Indonesian, we also know him as "and so on" or "and so on".
  • Then, the cliché that is also commonly found is "only time will tell" which literally means "the only time that can be revealed". The purpose of this cliche is, clarity on something that will definitely be answered someday, and all we can do is wait for the day to come.
  • We are also certainly familiar with this one cliché. When someone says "It's a matter of time", then he is asserting that something will definitely happen later, both sooner or later.
  • Then, if we hear someone say "It scared out of my wits", it indicates that he is very scared. The sentence is difficult to translate literally, but its meaning is similar to being extremely frightened.
  • We certainly often encounter the phrase "If life gives you lemons ..." which if translated into Indonesian means "If life gives you lemons". This phrase stores an implied message, where the lemon with its acidic nature is a picture of an unpleasant event that might occur. So, the above cliché has the full meaning, "Do a good thing in a bad situation".
  • Furthermore, if we hear someone say "He woke up on the wrong side of the bed", then that doesn't really mean that the subject of conversation woke up on the wrong side of the bed. This shows that he is not in a good mood when he wakes up.
  • Don't cry over spilled milk in Indonesian means "Don't cry over spilled milk", which means that we should not be saddened by something that has already happened and we cannot change. The equivalent in Indonesian is "rice has become porridge".
  • If translated, "laughter is the best medicine" means "laughter is the best medicine". The implied meaning is not so far from what is revealed, namely laughter or happiness is the best way to overcome anxiety or anxiety.  
  • This last cliché is similar to the phrase "not everything that sparkles is gold", which means, not everything that looks good is really good. For that, we should not easily judge something from the outside.

Learn more

cliche brainly.com/question/1195169


Grade:  High School

Subject:  English

keywords: cliche

Describe the appropriate language and tone to be used in a business letter of complaint.


It has to be formal (higher vocabulary with good sentence structure), and the tone (even if you're upset) should be kept at a professional level with no slang or cuss words (obviously)
polite but firm let them know taht you mean busuness but also nice.

Which element of an epic poem features a call for divine aid? in medias res an invocation
an extended simile
a famous battle


The correct answer is an invocation.

The root of the word invocation is voice, which means that you are calling someone to join you. That is exactly what invocation is - summoning someone divine to aid you, especially in Greek epic poems. 
In medias res means that the story begins immediately, without any introduction; an extended simile is when you compare two or more things, but the comparison takes place over several lines. 
The correct answer is an invocation

In medias res is when a story begins without a specific introduction, an extended simile is a comparison, while a famous battle is a famous battle. Invocation is summoning divine aid.